Your war was never over, and now you're going back. In this non-stop interactive text adventure, you are John Rambo, returning to Vienam in search of American P.O.W.s. On your own, with only your AK-47, knife, bow and a beautiful woman, you'll experience all the thrills of the movie. But this time, it's all up to YOU!
Based on the film of the same name.
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Although Angelsoft had a lot of strange licenced games, this one is my pick for "least likely to work as a text adventure" - outright bizarre.
This game was also on the Apple II (probably first). MOCAGH has the game documentation for the Apple II. I had this game in the 1980s on the Apple II. Asimov has 2 working emulator files erroneously available in the Action section of images (the first emulated .dsk from 2006 does not work, but the other Angelsoft and 4am crack .dsk images do load in Applewin to start playing the game).
Format added, thanks. I've also spotted an image of the Macintosh version too, so that has been added to the listing.
Angelsoft's games were the equivalent of these filler novels written by contractors under a deadline. The game is alarmingly devoid of ideas and painful to play, in line with its counterparts.