A really enjoyable game. This hit the sweet spot for me, being delightfully old school, with a very British sensibility. Some prior knowledge of fairy tales helps with some of the puzzles, and the sometimes cheeky wit of this games shines through. Being only the third Amstrad game I've played, this rekindled my hope for the platform. (The first one was so short as to come across as someone's first toying around with a new authoring system, while the second was bug-riddled to the point of un-playability.) A delightful and well-written romp around fairy-tale world.
A really enjoyable game. This hit the sweet spot for me, being delightfully old school, with a very British sensibility. Some prior knowledge of fairy tales helps with some of the puzzles, and the sometimes cheeky wit of this games shines through.
Being only the third Amstrad game I've played, this rekindled my hope for the platform. (The first one was so short as to come across as someone's first toying around with a new authoring system, while the second was bug-riddled to the point of un-playability.)
A delightful and well-written romp around fairy-tale world.