Constructed in the same style as such classic games as 'BUGSY', 'THE BOGGIT' and even 'RETARDED CREATURES AND CAVERNS', "GAME WITHOUT A NAME" is an enjoyable little romp through the 'spoof' world of such luminaries as St. Brides and Delta 4.
The objective of the whole game is a simple one - you start at the START, pass through the MIDDLE and end up at the END - what more could you ask for???
The "star" of the game is a lowly little apprentice known as EXLAX and his journey starts in the musty confines of an almost familiar dungeon ... well it does look like so many others of its ilk! All YOU, or anybody else come to that, has to do is make your way out of this dungeon and back to normality ... simple task for one such as you!!!
Re-released in 1996 by Zenobi Software as a "new game".
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