Another update with a huge number of new games. Now many of these new titles are Speed-IF entries, so beware if you are not too keen on that series of competition - but if you do fall into that category the good news is now that the vast bulk of Speed-IF titles have been added to the site there should be far fewer added in future updates!
Contributors: Garry, dv8, fuzzel, iamaran, jgerrie, Alex, impomatic, Alastair, Dorothy, Gunness
- New Solutions: Angel Curse, The, Arkham-Innsmouth and Beyond, Body, The, Bugbusters, Cenric Family Curse, The, Circus of Sadness, The, Count of Monte Cristo, The, Crystal Palace, The, Cube of Zoth, The, Dream-Trap of Zzar, The, Epitome of Toastlessness, The, Fluid of Life, The, Hentai Adventures of Captain Cumshot, The, Horrible Pyramid, The, Invisible Argonaut, The, Krakatoa Tuna Melt, Laboratory Adventure, Last Sonnet of Marie Antoinette, The, Little Green Robbing Hood, Lobster, The, Lobsters On A Plane, Love, Hate and the Mysterious Ocean Tower, Mallory Manor, Mango, Merk, Midair Madness, Old Sherwood Cemetary, The, PAX East 2010 Speed-IF, Pearl Diver, Pumpkin Contest, The, Queuelty, Rendezvous, Reptile, Road to Destruction (featuring Bob Hope), The, Romeo, Juliet and the Dog, School's Out, Seeking Solace, Shops Adventure, Short of Sushi, Silence of the Gods, The, Smoochiepoodle and the Bastion of Science, Sofa at the End of the Universe, The, Sparky and Boots, The Six Keys of Tarkus, Theta Point, The, This Is the Game That I Wrote, Tightest, Toeing the Line, Tooth Ow Zunden Too, Tooth Ow Zunden Won!, Tower of Beef, The, Travels of Fitzwilliam Pound, The, Trouble in Paradise, Twilight of the Dogs, Tythy Grammar, The, Upwards, Vacationing in Scotland, Vampiro: Memorias de reXXe, Wedding Day, Wizard Goes Shopping, A, Wormwood Days II: The Aftermath, Zector Adventure, Zoo
- New Maps: Angel Curse, The, Arkham-Innsmouth and Beyond, Body, The, Bugbusters, Cenric Family Curse, The, Circus of Sadness, The, Count of Monte Cristo, The, Crystal Palace, The, Dream-Trap of Zzar, The, Epitome of Toastlessness, The, Fluid of Life, The, Helmond Avontuur, Het, Hentai Adventures of Captain Cumshot, The, Horrible Pyramid, The, Invisible Argonaut, The, Krakatoa Tuna Melt, Last Sonnet of Marie Antoinette, The, Little Green Robbing Hood, Lobster, The, Lobsters On A Plane, Love, Hate and the Mysterious Ocean Tower, Mango, Merk, Midair Madness, Old Sherwood Cemetary, The, PAX East 2010 Speed-IF, Pearl Diver, Pumpkin Contest, The, Queuelty, Reptile, Road to Destruction (featuring Bob Hope), The, Romeo, Juliet and the Dog, School's Out, Seeking Solace, Short of Sushi, Silence of the Gods, The, Smoochiepoodle and the Bastion of Science, Sofa at the End of the Universe, The, Sparky and Boots, The Six Keys of Tarkus, Theta Point, The, This Is the Game That I Wrote, Tightest, Toeing the Line, Tooth Ow Zunden Too, Tooth Ow Zunden Won!, Tower of Beef, The, Travels of Fitzwilliam Pound, The, Trouble in Paradise, Twilight of the Dogs, Tythy Grammar, The, Upwards, Vacationing in Scotland, Vampiro: Memorias de reXXe, Wedding Day, Wergild, Wizard Goes Shopping, A, Wormwood Days II: The Aftermath
- New Clue sheets: Plague Planet
- Updated Hints: Crown of Mardan
- Updated Maps: Crown of Mardan, Firekeep, Invisible Argonaut, The
- Updated Solutions: Crown of Mardan, Firekeep, Haunted House, The
- New Games: A Mess O’ Trouble, Angel Curse, The, Another Fine Mess, Arkham-Innsmouth and Beyond, Body, The, Bugbusters, Camelot, Cenric Family Curse, The, Cetro del Sol, El, Circus of Sadness, The, Count of Monte Cristo, The, Crystal Palace, The, Dream-Trap of Zzar, The, Epitome of Toastlessness, The, Fluid of Life, The, Helmond Avontuur, Het, Hentai Adventures of Captain Cumshot, The, Horrible Pyramid, The, Invisible Argonaut, The, Krakatoa Tuna Melt, Last Sonnet of Marie Antoinette, The, Little Green Robbing Hood, Lobster, The, Lobsters On A Plane, Love, Hate and the Mysterious Ocean Tower, Mango, Merk, Midair Madness, Old Sherwood Cemetary, The, PAX East 2010 Speed-IF, Pearl Diver, Pumpkin Contest, The, Queuelty, Ray’s Maze, Reptile, Road to Destruction (featuring Bob Hope), The, Robin Hood, Romeo, Juliet and the Dog, Seeking Solace, Short of Sushi, Silence of the Gods, The, Sinbad, Smoochiepoodle and the Bastion of Science, Sofa at the End of the Universe, The, Sparky and Boots, The Six Keys of Tarkus, Theta Point, The, This Is the Game That I Wrote, Tightest, Toeing the Line, Tooth Ow Zunden Too, Tooth Ow Zunden Won!, Tower of Beef, The, Travels of Fitzwilliam Pound, The, Trouble in Paradise, Twilight of the Dogs, Twisted!, Twisted! Deluxe, Upwards, Vacationing in Scotland, Vampiro: Memorias de reXXe, Wedding Day, Wizard Goes Shopping, A, Wormwood Days II: The Aftermath, Zector Adventure
Our US users might be interested to know that none other than
Scott Adams will appear at
Tandy Assembly in Ohio on Sunday. He'll also be at
Free Play Florida (in Florida, of all places) in November. So if you're in the neighbourhood, here's your chance for a bit of classic adventure game goodness. Maybe someone can ask him to get Marvel to continue the Questprobe series?
Thanks to ChickenMan for the heads up!
Contributors: jgerrie, Garry, iamaran, fuzzel, Sudders, impomatic, Sylvester, ahope1, Richard Bos, Alastair, Alex, Dorothy, Geoff, Doreen B, Gunness, dave
- New Solutions: Area 51, Book and Volume, Castaway, Cave Adventure, Demo Adventure from The Computer & Video Games Book of Adventure, Devil's Island, Fairytale, Five Spheres of Goliath, The, Five Stones of Anadon, The, Locks of Luck, Mundane Tale of the Morning After, The, Pharaoh's Curse, Pickpocket, The, Quest For the Holy Grail, Ribbons, Rise in Crime, Samurai Tea Room, Sell-Out, Shangri La, Sticky Fingers, Stupid Creek. Stupid Christmas, Three More Visitors, Upwards and Onwards, What Are Little Girls Made Of?, What Dreams May Come, What's Eeyore's?, Wisp, Wooden Cat vs. Robot Monkey, Yay Games, You Have to Put the Baby New Year in the Champagne Bottle
- New Maps: Book and Volume, Demo Adventure from The Computer & Video Games Book of Adventure, Enchanted Castle, The, Lightmare, Mundane Tale of the Morning After, The, Pickpocket, The, Professor Zork, Ribbons, Samurai Tea Room, Sell-Out, Shangri La, Stupid Creek. Stupid Christmas, Three More Visitors, Time Switch, Upwards and Onwards, What Are Little Girls Made Of?, What Dreams May Come, What's Eeyore's?, Wisp, Wooden Cat vs. Robot Monkey, Yay Games, You Have to Put the Baby New Year in the Champagne Bottle
- New Clue sheets: Cops
- Updated Maps: Book and Volume, Book and Volume, Colossal Cave, Mundane Tale of the Morning After, The, Odyssey, Pickpocket, The
- Updated Solutions: Colossal Cave, Crystal Cavern, The, Mundane Tale of the Morning After, The, Odyssey, P.H.A.R.T., Pickpocket, The, Solaris, Ten Green Bottles
- New Reviews: Time Switch
- New Games: Adventure, Amherst, Area 51, Castaway, Classic Adventure, Demo Adventure from The Computer & Video Games Book of Adventure, Devil's Island, Dor Sageth, Dragon, Lord of the Rings 1, The, Lost Quill, The, Mundane Tale of the Morning After, The, Pharaoh's Curse, Pits, The, Planet X, Ribbons, Robin Hood, an Adventure in Lincoln Green, Samurai Tea Room, Sell-Out, Shangri La, Stupid Creek. Stupid Christmas, The Lost Tower of Tintagel, The Magic Telephone, Three More Visitors, untitled Star Wars game, Upwards and Onwards, What Are Little Girls Made Of?, What Dreams May Come, Wisp, Wooden Cat vs. Robot Monkey, Yay Games, You Have to Put the Baby New Year in the Champagne Bottle, Zombies Ate Our Roadies
I usually try to keep the promotion of my personal additions to the site to a minimum (apart from interviews and such). After all, this site is all about its users and their contributions should take priority.
But when I write a lengthy review of the one game that almost singlehandedly got me into the adventuring business, I get all misty-eyed and I feel that it warrants a special mention. Yes, dear readers, Eureka! is very near and dear to my heart - warts and all. The game was released with much hullabaloo back in 1984 because of a much-coveted £25,000 prize. The prize is long gone, but judged on its own merits I think the game holds up fairly well, if you can accept its (considerable) technical shortcomings.
Contributors: Garry, Dorothy, Alex, Gunness
- New Solutions: Death of Two Great Minds, The, Grade 3 Parallax, The, Jobs for Antioch!, Leap Time, Llangollen Rock City, Lowell’s Paradise, Pants on the Run, Peter Theta Fixes the Holodeck, Pick Up the IF-Archive and Pi, Post-Christmas Letdown, Safehouse, Soul-Searching, Spectrum, SpeedIF 19, Spitting Crumbs, Squeaky on the Moon, Statue
- New Maps: Death of Two Great Minds, The, Grade 3 Parallax, The, Jobs for Antioch!, Leap Time, Llangollen Rock City, Lowell’s Paradise, Pants on the Run, Peter Theta Fixes the Holodeck, Pick Up the IF-Archive and Pi, Post-Christmas Letdown, Safehouse, Soul-Searching, Spectrum, SpeedIF 19, Spitting Crumbs, Squeaky on the Moon, Statue
- Updated Maps: Fade to Black, Need! More! Toast!, Soul-Searching
- Updated Solutions: Chips Are Forever, Evil Ridge, The, Fade to Black, I Dare You, Need! More! Toast!
- New Reviews: Eureka!
- New Games: Death of Two Great Minds, The, Grade 3 Parallax, The, Jobs for Antioch!, Kicker, Leap Time, Llangollen Rock City, Lowell’s Paradise, Pants on the Run, Peter Theta Fixes the Holodeck, Pick Up the IF-Archive and Pi, Post-Christmas Letdown, Safehouse, Soul-Searching, Spectrum, SpeedIF 19, Spitting Crumbs, Squeaky on the Moon, Statue
As you may have noticed, it has been a while since the latest update. After the job change mentioned in my latest news update, I had to shuffle my schedule around a bit and CASA had to be put on the back burner for a while.
But now I'm slowly (SLOWLY!) making my way through the various updates. Thanks for being patient.
Contributors: jgerrie, farique, Garry, ahope1, Sylvester, Alex, stevenjameshodgson, impomatic, Sudders, RexxKwonDO, Alastair, Dorothy, iamaran, Gunness, thomasboevith
- New Solutions: 4 Mile Island Adventure, Adventure in Mythology, Argument-Winner's Ghost, The, Crescent City at the Edge of Disaster, The, Dead Reckoning, Emerald Isle, Fade to Black, Faithful Companion, For a Change, Galaxy Adventure #1, ManoZ, Mission From Short, Mit Jeans & Hellebarde, Operation Feuersturm, Operation Neptun, Pharaoh's Curse, Potsticker, Quest for the Sun Gem, Shattered Memory, Zeittunnel - Flucht in die Gegenwart
- New Maps: Adventure in Mythology, Adventure in Mythology, Argument-Winner's Ghost, The, Blackbeard's Island, Catacombs, Cloak of Death, Count, The, Crack of Doom, The, Crescent City at the Edge of Disaster, The, Dead Reckoning, Dinosaur Adventure, Fade to Black, Faithful Companion, Five Spheres of Goliath, The, For a Change, Manic Badger, ManoZ, Martian Crypt, The, Mini Zork I, Mission From Short, Operation Neptun, Pharaoh's Curse, Potsticker, Shattered Memory, Trekboer, Vortex Factor, Zeittunnel - Flucht in die Gegenwart
- New Hints: Operation Neptun, Zeittunnel - Flucht in die Gegenwart
- New Fixed games: Pharaoh's Curse
- Updated Fixed games: Pharaoh's Curse
- Updated Hints: Zeittunnel - Flucht in die Gegenwart
- Updated Maps: Adventure in Mythology
- Updated Solutions: Ghost Town, Gypsum Cave, Manic Badger, Piramide de Amenhotep IV, La, Search for Sherlock Holmes, The
- New Reviews: Dinosaur Adventure, Manic Badger
- New Games: 4 Mile Island Adventure, Adventure, Argument-Winner's Ghost, The, Crescent City at the Edge of Disaster, The, Dead Reckoning, Fade to Black, Faithful Companion, Gen Süden, Grill der Idioten, Der, ManoZ, MIKROs Eventyrspil, Mission From Short, Neun Bis Fünf, Potsticker, Sam Mallard - The Case of the Missing Swan, Schatten Über London, Shattered Memory
This is probably the shortest update entry to date. I recently started a new job and have had to postpone all things CASA for a bit. I'll get to work on the backlog as soon as possible. Thanks for being patient!
Contributors: Alex, Juan
For a lot of Kickstarter backers (including me), last week's release of Ron Gilbert's
Thimbleweed Park was a long-awaited event. Obviously the game falls outside the scope of CASA, but nothing's going to keep me from giving a loving nod to Mr. Gilbert's second game, a little, classic something called
Maniac Mansion. Which obviously (?) falls outside the scope of CASA, too, but I love the game and there are certain perks to being webmaster. So there!
Did you know that four of Infocom's titles were released in Japanese?
Neither did I, until one of our readers pointed me in the right direction. Among other oddities I also came across a version of Zork I for the Sega Saturn and Playstation - with sound and visuals. Nothing is sacred I guess :)
As always, thanks to all you hard working people out there - so many things updated this time around.
Contributors: Sudders, Garry, Juan, chlamydiamagic, Alex, Highretrogamelord, impomatic, iamaran, Gunness, Alastair
- New Solutions: Burlish Adventure, Candy Rush Saga, Castle Dracula, Crater Creek, 2113, Dash Slapney and the Calamitous Candy Corn Cornucopia, Doctor Who and the Warlord, Dragon Flies Like Labradorite, Dungeon, Eschew as if you were She, Fish Dreams, Flametop, Flexible Pants, Generic Title, Getting to Know the General, Ghosterington Night, Glossary, Haunted House, Headless, Hapless, How Many Roads Must a Man Walk Down?, Ice House of Horrors, Inspiration, Jungle, Literacy, LOMM - The Land of Magic Monarchy, Puddles on the Path, Puppet-Man, The, Rollercoaster, Sands of Egypt, The, Secret in the Mithraeum, The
- New Maps: Burlish Adventure, Candy Rush Saga, City of Alzan, The, Crater Creek, 2113, Curse of the Werewolf, Dash Slapney and the Calamitous Candy Corn Cornucopia, Dragon Flies Like Labradorite, Dungeon, Eschew as if you were She, Fish Dreams, Flametop, Flexible Pants, Generic Title, Getting to Know the General, Ghosterington Night, Glossary, Golden Flower Adventure, The, Haunted House, Headless, Hapless, How Many Roads Must a Man Walk Down?, Ice House of Horrors, Inspiration, Jungle, Literacy, LOMM - The Land of Magic Monarchy, Puddles on the Path, Rollercoaster, Secret in the Mithraeum, The, Wizard of Akyrz, The
- New Hints: Curse of the Werewolf, Puppet-Man, The
- Updated Maps: Burlish Adventure, Werewolf
- Updated Solutions: 1789, 1789, Deeds of Limdrom, The, Werewolf
- New Reviews: Burlish Adventure, City of Alzan, The, Wizard of Akyrz, The
- New Games: Angstbaum, Der, Candy Rush Saga, Crater Creek, 2113, Dash Slapney and the Calamitous Candy Corn Cornucopia, Dichter und der Henker, Die, Download, Dragon Flies Like Labradorite, Enchanter: Wakaki Madōshi no Shirén, Erwarte Kein Spiel!, Eschew as if you were She, Fall in Jashpur, Ein, Fish Dreams, Flametop, Flexible Pants, Fortress of Fear, Frohe Ostern, Generic Title, Getting to Know the General, Ghosterington Night, Glossary, Gnom, Haunted House, Headless, Hapless, How Many Roads Must a Man Walk Down?, Inspiration, Jazz Auf Tegemis, Jens und der Grill, Kein Stein, Literacy, Mann Mit der Axt, Der, Moonmist: Shiroki Kifujin no Nazo, Nebelmond, Der, Pirate Adventure, Planetfall, Richtig Kochen, River of Fire, Rollercoaster, Saviour, Songbird, the Woman and the Silver Casket, The, Trampelviecher - eine Halloween-Kurzgeschichte, Uranium Factor, The, Weihnachtstraum, Zork I, Zwei Jahre Später
Garry has been hard at work uploading info on
Alan games, which means that our Alan selection has been substantially upgraded.
And as a heads-up for C64 enthusiasts: the ever-industrious Fredrik Ramsberg has ported a number (30-something) of Inform games to D64-format, so you can play some of the more modern titles on your favourite machine. I've tested a few of them, and it just works really well. More on his website.
Contributors: Sudders, Garry, Gunness, rockersuke, Alex, impomatic, iamaran
- New Solutions: Assassin, The, Blackness, Bugged, Chasing, The, Cloak of Darkness, Dark Soul, Dash Slapney, Patrol Leader, Dead Pavane for a Princess, December 31, 2002, Delusions Again, Descent of Man, Dinnertime, Discord, Don't Be Late!, Even Bantams Get the Blues, HeBGB Horror!, The, In-d-i-go Soul, Mazemapper, Mean Story, The, No Earthly Use, Oprør På Nyx, Out of the Study, Ramblas: El caso Vega, Sardoria, Skid Row Adventure, They're After You!, To Get To The Other Side, Treasures of Barsoom, Zeitmaschine, Die, Zero One
- New Maps: Assassin, The, Blackness, Bugged, Castle Adventure, Chasing, The, Cloak of Darkness, Dark Soul, Dash Slapney, Patrol Leader, Dead Pavane for a Princess, December 31, 2002, Delusions Again, Descent of Man, Dinnertime, Discord, Don't Be Late!, Easy Peasy Adventure, Escape From London, Even Bantams Get the Blues, HeBGB Horror!, The, In-d-i-go Soul, Mazemapper, Mean Story, The, No Earthly Use, Out of the Study, Ramblas: El caso Vega, Sardoria, Skid Row Adventure, Skull Cave, They're After You!, To Get To The Other Side, Treasures of Barsoom, Urquahart Castle, Zeitmaschine, Die, Zero One
- Updated Maps: Dark Soul, In-d-i-go Soul
- Updated Solutions: CC, Don't Be Late!
- New Reviews: Assassin, The, Skid Row Adventure, Urquahart Castle
- New Games: Artifiction, Assassin, The, Blackness, Bugged, Bull Dog Runner, The, Christmas Party, The, Cloak of Darkness, Crystal Ball, Dark Soul, Dash Slapney, Patrol Leader, Dead Pavane for a Princess, December 31, 2002, Delusions Again, Descent of Man, Dinnertime, Discord, Dungeon, Escape From London, Even Bantams Get the Blues, Hadean Lands, In Like Minsk, In-d-i-go Soul, Jungle, Lost in New York, Mazemapper, Mean Story, The, Mis/Guided, Mordet i Den Lukkede Boks, Mystiske Rumskib, Det, No Earthly Use, Ogres, On a Horse with No Name, Onaar, På Skattejagt i Amazonlandet, Panorama, Puddles on the Path, Room 206, Sealed Room, The, Secret in the Mithraeum, The, Secte Noire, La, Ted Paladin and the Case Of The Abandoned House, There Is No Bread, They're After You!, To Get To The Other Side, Very Hairy Fish-Mess, A, Wyldkynd Project, The
There's nothing quite like spending a bit of dough on your favourite hobby (yes, that would be text adventures). Especially not when commercial releases are few and far between. Industry legend
Bob Bates (the man behind a couple of my childhood favourites, Infocom's
Sherlock - The Riddle of the Crown Jewels and
Arthur: The Quest For Excalibur, as well as Legend's
Spellcasting series and more) has created a new, full-sized game with a very interesting premise.
Thaumistry: In Charm's Way sees you dealing with magic, failed start-ups and people called Bodgers. Who may or may not risk mass persecution - sounds serious but I have a hunch that it's going to be a lot of fun, anyway.
The game is currently
up on Kickstarter and is nearing its goal. But various stretch goals are promised, including Android and iOS ports
as well as a nifty Chris Hülsbeck soundtrack, and as I love his music and Android ports, here's hoping that the funding will go far. Check out the
project including the intro video - it's not every day you get the chance to see Steve Meretzky, Al Lowe and Tim Schafer in one spot.
I still have a truckload of updates to handle, so the next update should happen fairly soon.
Contributors: Alex, Garry, Sudders, auraes, Dorothy, stevenjameshodgson, Alastair, iamaran, Juan, Gunness, leenew