Just in time for the new year (with apologies to users on Tonga and other places already finding themselves in 2023), I'd like to say thanks to all for your support in 2022!
Personally, lately I've rediscovered the joys of solving a game with another person by re-visiting one of my all-time favourite games, Trinity, with my esteemed co-editor Alex. It's been many years since I've been running around trying to save the world, and playing via Discord may not quite replace the fun of sitting at the same computer in the same room, but it comes pretty close, and being able to bounce ideas and suggestions off each other makes for quicker progress and a lot of enjoyment.
Contributors: Garry, Gonzo, iamaran, Exemptus, Bieno, Alex, boldir, sequornico, fuzzel, Paul Ingerson, OVL, blauroke, Strident, dave
The next example isn't exactly breaking news, but Ken and Roberta Williams (yes, the Sierra founders) have come out of retirement with 12 people coding away on a VR version of Colossal Adventure. I don't think a great many of us had seen that one coming. It'll be interesting to see if it can grab the attention of a modern audience. More on the official website.
Contributors: Garry, Simon, Exemptus, skyhook58, Denk, boldir, Endurion, sequornico, Ambat Sasi Nair, ChickenMan, iamaran, fuzzel, Dorothy, blauroke, The Glass Fractal, equinox, Alastair, Strident, OVL, Canalboy, nimusi, jdyer, ClockWyzass, dave, DannieGeeko, redhighlander, jgerrie, Oloturia, PJ-1978, Duffadash, leenew, FredB74, FARLANDER, r_f
If we keep this pace within the next year we will reach the milestone of having a massive amount of 10,000 games in our database. Apart from our site there are other, very active text adventure communities. Even in 2022 it is possible to take adventure classes, and interesting new games are still being developed. Check for instance I Doesn’t Exist, which will soon seek crowdfunding.
Contributors: Ambat Sasi Nair, Garry, Strident, Alex, RetroBasic, iamaran, redhighlander, Sylvester, boldir, terri, The Glass Fractal, Exemptus, Dorothy, Mousey, Geoff, Denk, ahope1, eriktorbjorn, urbanghost, auraes, OVL, Voltgloss, Canalboy, Sharpworks, Paul Ingerson, nimusi, Sudders, Oloturia
You are Tralus. For as long as you can remember, you loved Perina, the beautiful daughter of a local landowner. Only one cloud blighted this idyllic time; your rival for Perina's affections, Grakus. When Perina came of age, both you and Grakus proposed marriage. After careful consideration, Perina chose you and became your betrothed. However, Grakus was a vindictive fellow, he decided that if he could not have Perina, then no one would. He poisoned her, and then framed you for her murder. Found guilty by the priests, you were sentenced to death.