Inka Walkthrough by Alex Dijkstra for the c64 The location where you land with your parachute is random (nr 26,29,7,3,12,24,17 or 40). This walkthrough starts from location 3 (see map) NO, NW, GIB GELD (the mestizo tells you to get the bucket), NIMM EIMER, N, N, W, STUELPE EIMER (you catch the scorpion inside the bucket), NIMM TOPF, O, N, N, O, NW, KLETTERE BAUM (every time you enter "im gestruepp" you are followed by an indian which kills you after 5 turns you have to climb in the tree to get rid of him), SCHMIERE AST (you put the honey on the branch and the bird gets stuck. if you don't do this he steals the key or the watch from you), NIMM UHR, SPRINGE, SO, W, S, LEGE UHR (the hermit tkaes the watch and you can take the stone), NIMM STEIN (you find a cover), NIMM DECKEL, N, O, NW, KLETTERE BAUM (the indian walks away), SPRINGE, N, SW, S, SCHLIESSE TOPF (you catch the bees with the pot and close it with the cover), O, S, S, S, S, SO, SW, S, GEHE WASSERFALL, OEFFNE TOPF (the bees make the indian escape), SCHAU (you notice a lever), ZIEHE HEBEL (you pull the lever and open the niche in the tempel), LEGE DECKEL, LEGE TOPF, W, N, NO, NW, N, N, N, N, O, NW, KLETTERE BAUM (the indian walks away), SPRINGE, N, O, SCHLAGE LIANE (with machete), O, SO, SO, S, W, NIMM TELLER, O, N, NIMM SCHAUFEL, N, WASCHE GOLD (you find some gold using the plate), LEGE TELLER, NIMM GOLD, S, NW, SPRINGE, SCHWIMME, KLETTERE STAUDE, NIMM BANANEN, SPRINGE, SCHWIMME (you can't swim here if you dropped the stone in the river in 37), NO, NW, N, N, N, N, O, NW, KLETTERE BAUM (the indian walks away), SPRINGE, N, W, SW, GIB BANANEN (the ape follows you. you have 9 bananas), NO, GIB BANANEN, O, GIB BANANEN, O, GIB BANANEN, O, GIB BANANEN, O, GIB BANANEN, SO, GIB BANANEN, SO, GIB BANANEN, S, GIB BANANEN, SW, BINDE LIANE FELS, GIB BANANEN, KLETTERE LIANE (unfortunately you have run out of bananas and have to get some more), NO, N, NW, SPRINGE, SCHWIMME, KLETTERE STAUDE, NIMM BANANAS, SPRINGE, SCHWIMME, NO, NW, N, N, N, N, O, NW, KLETTERE BAUM (the indian walks away), SPRINGE, N, O, O, O, SO, SO, S, SW, GIB BANANEN, KLETTERE LIANE (because of the ape you are not killed by the eagle), NIMM EIER, KLETTERE LIANE, LEGE BANANEN, NO, N, NW, NW, W, SW, S, NW, KLETTERE BAUM (the indian walks away), SPRINGE, SO , W, SCHLAGE LIANE (with machete), S, S, S, S, SO, LEGE EIER, LEGE GOLD, LEGE SCHAUFEL, GEHE STEINE, LEGE STEIN (you can now cross the river), GEHE STEINE, SO, NO, SCHLAGE GEBUESCH (with machete), GEHE GEBUESCH, LEGE MACHETE, NIMM STANGE, SW, SW, O, NIMM SCHLUESSEL, BINDE LIANE TIERKADAVER, HALTE LIANE, WIRF TIERKADAVER, NIMM BRILLE, NIMM TASCHENTUCH (you've found the proof of the explorer), GEHE STEINE, GEHE STEINE, NW, SW, NIMM FALLSCHIRM, LEGE BRILLE, LEGE TASCHENTUCH, NO,NIMM SCHAUFEL, NIMM GOLD, NIMM EIER, NW, N, N, N, N, O, NW, KLETTERE BAUM (the indian walks away), SPRINGE, SO, NO, N (the indians take you away and want to sacrifice you), GIB GOLD (the indians leave you alone), NW, TRAGE FALLSCHIRM, SPRINGE, LEGE FALLSCHIRM, W, OEFFNE TEMPELPORTAL STANGE (you open the door with the key and using the rod you prevent being poisoned by a trap), GEHE TEMPELPORTAL, KRIECHE SEIL (you crawl underneath the trap), NIMM FIGUR, KRIECHE SEIL, KLETTERE, LEGE EIER (you can pass the cobras), N (because you pulled the lever light enters in the room), STELLE FIGUR NISCHE (light shines on the floor), GRABE (with spade. you find the inca treasure), NIMM SCHATZ, GEHE SPALT, W, N, NIMM BRILLE, NIMM TASCHENTUCH, NO, NW, N, MACHE FEUER BRILLE (using the glasses you make a fire in the dry place and a helicopter rescues you with the treasure and the proof of the explorer in your possesion). Mission erfuellt!!!