With this first update of the year I'm happy to annouce that we're slowly making various updates to the site. For instance, enhancing the mobile version and making the synopsis (ie. plot) part of the game description more visible. There's more to come so stay tuned.
Contributors: J-_-K, Bieno, Garry, FredB74, benkid77, ahope1, MugUK, boldir, iamaran, popocop, Exemptus, Canalboy, OVL, wesp5, Strident, Gunness, auraes, dave, sijnstra, FARLANDER
- New Solutions: Abenteuer Im Weltraum, Última Tumba, La, Última Tumba, La, Babysitter, The, Barry Basic and the Witch's Cave, Bonnie, The Bonnie Dog, Bronx, Cargo Breach, Casa, La, Darrera Tomba, La, Darrera Tomba, La, Death's Gateway, Dog Star Adventure, Escape from the Troll's Cave, Excalibur, Final Frog, Fireboat, First Encounter, Hangman's Gulch, Hired to Kill, Huntman, Iowa Jack and the Crystals of Chaos, Island Adventure, Last Tomb, The, Last Tomb, The, Let's Compute Adventure, Memory Lane, Minimal Game, Mysterious Cave, Samurai and the Kappa, The, Schloss, Sire Fire, Terror Tower, Terrors of Trantoss, The, Transporter
- New Maps: Última Tumba, La, Última Tumba, La, Auf den Spuren des Buddha zu Bodnath, Babysitter, The, Barry Basic and the Witch's Cave, Bonnie, The Bonnie Dog, Brian the Bold, Cargo Breach, Castle Thade, Cave, Cohan's Land, Commando, Cornucopia, Cranston Manor, Day After, The, Day Out, Dr. Bakterius's Geheimnisvolles Labor, Dragon George and the Man, Egyptian Pyramid, Escape from the Troll's Cave, Father of Darkness, Fireboat, First Encounter, FORK: The Great Underground Dining Room, Geisterjaeger, Giants, Gift, Das, Goldseeker, Hölle von P19, Die, Hangman's Gulch, Herr der Ringe, Der, Hexagonal Museum, The, Hired to Kill, Hoehle, Huntman, In Der Wüste, Insel des Grauens, Insel des Grauens, Die, Keeper, The, Lange Ruckkehr, Die, Legende im Eis, Marie Celeste, Memory Lane, Midsummer Day's Dream, A, Minimal Game, Murder, Mysterious Cave, Not Just an Ordinary Ballerina, Operation Hawaii, Operation Thunderstorm, Operation Turtle, Orbit of Doom, Per Anhalter Durch die Galaxis, Pirate Gold, Planetenreise, Prospector, The, Proteus, Reise Nach Atlantis, Rifts of Time, The, Ring of Dreams, The, Rings of Merlin, The, Samurai and the Kappa, The, Schloss, Schloss Dracula, Ship, The, Slaughter Caves, The, Sleepin' Again, Soap Land, Solvaldol-X, Song of Taliesin, The, Survival, Terror Tower, Terrors of Trantoss, The, Theatre of Death, The, Todes-Insel, Trail, Transporter, Unfreiwillige Erbe, Das, Will o' the Wisp, Witch Hunt, Zauberland, Zauberland II
- New Hints: Babysitter, The, Crystal Cave, Escape from the Troll's Cave, Hangman's Gulch
- New Fixed games: Excalibur
- Updated Maps: Hired to Kill
- Updated Solutions: Adventure, Artefact, The, Eridan Rescue
- New Reviews: Cranston Manor, Crystal Cave, Tower of Barad, Whembly Castle
- New Games: Abandoned House Down the Lane, The, Admirer, An, Aesthetic Deletions, Aldelfo el elfo, Última Tumba, La, Aventuras de Mireia y el Gato Risón, Las, Babysitter, The, Bonnie, The Bonnie Dog, Candy Striper of St Asterix, The, Cargo Breach, Case at KAXL, The, Cauchemard House, Daga Oscura, La, Dark and Deep, Dark Dagger, The, Darrera Tomba, La, Dastardly, Day in the Life, A, Death's Gateway, Echoes of Atlantis, Eclipsia, El Virulé, segunda parte: Padre, Entre líneas de fuego, Entre les lignes de feu, Entre-d’œufs coquilles, Erinia, Escape, Escape, Escape Espacial I, Escape from the SS Borgarís, Escape from the Troll's Cave, Escape Infinity Nexus, Family Legacy, The, Farila y los duendes del frio, FIA: The Vacuum Cleaner, Fireboat, FORK: The Great Underground Dining Room, Ghost Hunt, Ghost Ship, Ghost Ship, Gorgul, Hangman's Gulch, Have Orb, Will Travel, Hotel, Interpol, Jungle Island, Last Tomb, The, Last-Minute Magic, Late Night at the Mall, Like a Sky Full of Locusts, Little Match Girl in the Court of Maal Dweb, The, Man from DEFRA, The, Mars, 2049 AD, Minimal Game, Museum of Paranormal Phenomena, Mysterious Cave, N A M, Niño de Vorónezh, El, Nick Neat-Trick-Treat, No More, Not Another Sad Meal, Nutca, Puzzled Soul, A, Quest for the Staff of the First Moon, The, Rettung zum Mars, Samurai and the Kappa, The, Semi Intelligent Design, Sex Adventure, Shangri-La, Snowy's Quest, Stone Cage, The, Strange Adventure, Terrific Weekend Adventure, A, Thornfell Manor: 1984, TimeTrap, Train to Piccadilly, A, Transporter, Treasure Island, Turn Right, Virulé, El, Whispering Silence, Within a Wreath of Dewdrops, Your Little Haunting, Zombie Eye: Campfire Tales
Updated Games
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