Child Murderer Walkthrough by Mr Creosote E N GET STRAWBERRIES N W GET CANDLE (you can get to the next day without this, but you'll be stuck then) E E (Mr Harris tells you to get his wife) W S S W S TALK TO MRS HARRIS GIVE STRAWBERRIES TO SARAH (next day: Alice's body is lying in front of you) GET ALICE E W D S USE ALICE (you hide her body in the cave) N U E N (go to the church) L (you receive a few coins) S (go to the butcher) T S (go to the tavern) N T GIVE COINS TO WOMAN T S S G USE PAPER E (go to Susan) S (go to the coast) W D S GET ALICE USE PAPER (worst puzzle ever) N U E N (go to the butcher) T GET SAUSAGES GET KEY USE KEY N GET HEADS S S (go to Susan) USE HEADS (Susan tell you Devlin's address - go to the hideout) USE SAUSAGES S (go to the butcher) GET MEAT (this wasn't here before) S (go to the hideout) USE MEAT (Devlin is killed in the struggle) S (go to seaport) W T E N (go to tavern) L (you receive a gold coin) N GIVE COIN TO WOMAN T 250 / 250 Points