Treasure of the New Kingdom Walkthrough by Alex Dijkstra for the Atari ST Notes: -The original version of the game had several bugs (and lots of typos). This walkthrough is for the bug-fixed version I made and which is available on CASA. -Don't walk around with jewels (dagger, chair, gem stone or ring), because in room 55, 60, 62 and 91 of my map you can be killed by robbers. -Take note that EXAM and SEARCH are different commands. -You can climb the palm and eat dates, but that does not seem to be useful. W, W, W, W, W, W, N, NW, EXAM CHILDREN, SAY HELLO TO CHILDREN (5 points. they are afraid of the robed men), W, W, EXAM VASE (it is on top of a mirror), GET VASE, GET MIRROR, DROP VASE, E, NW, S, SW, SW, SW, U, LOOK UNDER TABLE (5 points. you find matches), GET MATCHES, D, NE, U, W, W, N, N, E, EXAM RUBBLE (5 points. you find a jar), GET JAR, W, S, W, CLIMB INTO THIRD PIT, GET SPADE, U, E, S, W, LOOK ACROSS WADI (you see a thief sitting on a rock with a rifle), REFLECT SUN WITH MIRROR (20 points. you blind the sniper), S (quietly you pass the sniper unnoticed), D, D, D, D, MOVE BOULDER (5 points), MOVE BOULDER (5 points. you notice a secret staircase), W, U, W, NW, EXAM CHIPPINGS (you notice a small hole), DIG HOLE WITH SPADE (10 points), D, N, THROW JAR AT WALL (10 points. the poison from the jar kills the thieves), GET LAMP, LIGHT LAMP (with matches), EXAM SACK (10 points. you find money), GET MONEY, GET RIFLE, SEARCH THIEVES (you find a gem and a metal key), GET KEY, EXAM GRILLE, UNLOCK GRILLE WITH KEY, DROP KEY, OPEN GRILLE, U, UNSCREW BARS (the bars begin to unscrew), UNSCREW BARS, GET BAR, U (you see the sniper), HIT THIEF WITH BAR (10 points), SEARCH THIEF (you find a dagger), GET DAGGER, N, DROP BAR, DROP DAGGER, S, E, U, E, E, E, D, NE, NE, E, NE, SE, E, S, E, E, E, E, N, N, EXAM PAPYRUS (very clumped together), LOOK INTO PAPYRUS (you find a net), GET NET, WAVE MONEY (10 points. the fisherman sails towards you), L, L, L (sailing in the middle of the river nile), CAST NET INTO WATER (10 points. you catch a fish), GET FISH, DROP NET (you can leave the boat now by entering 2x the command SWIM but better wait to get an extra 10 points), 19x L (repeat until you get the message "the felucca trip is over"), GET OUT (10 points), S, EXAM ONIONS (ready for pulling), PULL ONION (10 points.), GET ONION, S, W, N, EXAM RUSHES, SHOOT DUCK (10 points), DROP RIFLE, GET FEATHER, S, W, W, W, N, W, EXAM WELL (you see a rope), PULL ROPE, Y(10 points), GET ROPE, GET PACKAGE, EXAM PACKAGE (it is cheese), NW, S, S, OPEN SHUTTERS, LOOK (you see an old man), SAY OLD MAN HELLO (the old man dies), SEARCH OLD MAN (7 points. you find cash), GET CASH, BUY BEER, GET BOTTLE, N, N, SW, W, SW, SW, U, W, W, N, W, JUMP INTO SECOND PIT, EXAM LINES (The lines make up a drawing of a large statue of pharaoh. Set in the middle of the statue there is an open door with the faint outline of a figure standing there. One peculiar feature is a series of weights attached to the statue's beard.), GET ROCK, U, E, E, S, S, DIG ROCKS WITH SPADE (you find a door), PRISE DOOR WITH SPADE (the door opens), D, D, EXAM PAINTING (The picture shows how the god Horus defeated his evil uncle the god Seth with a bow and arrow. In this picture Seth has disguised himself as a hippopotamus), N, EXAM STATUE, CLIMB STATUE, EXAM BEARD, TIE ROPE TO BEARD, CLIMB STATUE, SWING ROPE (you enter the secret shrine), EXAM PAINTING (The painting is of three slave girls each offering something to the high priest of Amun.), EXAM GIRLS (The first girl is offering a bunch of onions. The second girl is offering a jar full of beer. The third girl is offering a basket of fish. ), PUT ONION ON ALTAR (5 points), PUT BEER ON ALTAR (5 points), PUT FISH ON ALTAR ( 5 points), PRAY (a passage down becomes visible), THROW ROCK AT WEBS, KILL SPIDER (10 points), D, E, GET BOW, W, U, U, S, U, U, N, N, W, D, NE, EXAM SKELETON (you find a ring), GET RING (5 points), DROP RING (leave the ring or you will be killed by robbers in some locations see notes above), E, N, GET ARROW, S, W, SW, U, E, S, W, S, D, D, D, D, W, U, W, NW, D, N, U, U, N, GET DAGGER, D, D, EXAM WALL, EXAM INSCRIPTION, PULL BRICKS (7 points. the wall crumbles to dust), N, N, THROW CHEESE AT RATS, E, D, EXAM RACK (you find a mummified cat), GET CAT, UNWRAP CAT WITH DAGGER (you find a key), DROP CAT, GET KEY, U, W, S, W, EXAM CENTRAL TILE (the central tile will tell the solution), SAY CENTRAL TILE SOLUTION (10 points. nw,n,ne,d watch the hippo), NW, N, NE, D, SHOOT ARROW AT HIPPO (40 points), N, GIVE FEATHER TO THOTH, N, N, EXAM SARCOPHAGUS, UNLOCK SARCOPHAGUS (10 points. with ivory key), OPEN SARCOPHAGUS (10 points), LOOK INTO SARCOPHAGUS (you see the crown of Menes), DROP KEY, GET CROWN (50 points), S, W, L, L, L, Y. Well done!! You scored a total of 329 points.