GREMLINS (Adv. Intern.) ----------------------- (You begin in a bed room) D, GET SWORD, GET REMOTE, KILL GREMLIN, DROP SWORD, GO KITCHEN, PRESS REMOTE * 5, LOOK CHUTE (Gizmo comes out), PRESS REMOTE * 2, LOOK DRAWER * 2, GET IGNITER, GET KNIFE, DROP REMOTE, E, U, KILL GREMLIN (with the knife), GET FLASHLIGHT, D, GO DOOR, N, E, E, GO TAVERN, GO BAR, GET CAMERA, PRESS BUTTON (the gremlins flee), CUT PIPE, DROP KNIFE, GET PIPE, N, N, E, GO CINEMA, S, START PROJECTOR (this catches the gremlins' attention - they leave you alone), N, N, W, W, GO STATION, GO PIT, GET TORCH, GET BOTTLE, U, N, W, S, S, OPEN VALVE, LIGHT TORCH, WELD SNOWPLOUGH (this leaves it unusable), DROP IGNITER, GET LADDER, N, N, W, GO DOOR, DROP ALL, GO POOL, GET PLUG (the pool is drained), U, GET CAMERA, GET FLASHLIGHT, GET BOTTLE, GET PIPE, PRESS BUTTON, GET TORCH, GET LADDER, E, E, E, E, E, GO CINEMA, S, START PROJECTOR, N, N, GO STORE, W, DROP LADDER, GET HACKSAW, E, S, W, W, W, N, LIGHT FLASHLIGHT, MAIL FLASHLIGHT (Stripe jumps out), CUT BOX (into small plates), GET PLATES, S, E, E, E, GO STORE, N, WELD PLATE, W, WELD PLATE, E, S, S, GO CINEMA, S, WAIT (for the little monsters!), START PROJECTOR, N, N, GO STORE, E, E, WELD PLATE, W, U, E, WELD PLATE, W, U, W, OPEN DOOR, GO DOOR, WELD PLATE, E, E, E, OPEN DOOR, GO DOOR, WELD PLATE, N, W, D, D, W, S, GO CINEMA, S, WAIT (for the gremlins), START PROJECTOR, N, N, GO STORE, W, DROP HACKSAW, GET LADDER, E, E, U, U, U, W, GO DOOR, WELD PLATE, E, E, GO TRAPDOOR, WELD PLATE, D, D, D, D, W, W, WAIT (for the gremlins), PRESS BUTTON (they disappear into the vent system, but all exits but this have been welded shut!!), WELD PLATE, PLUG DRILL, CLOSE VALVE, DROP TORCH, DROP PLATE, EXAMINE COUNTER, GET TAPE, GET DRILL, DRILL PLATE, GET HACKSAW, CUT PIPE, JOIN PIPE (with tape), INSERT PIPE, OPEN VALVE (gas is led through the pipe into the shafts), E, S, W, W, W, W, WAIT (till the shop blows up. Stripe runs past you and jumps into the pool - but WHOOPS... no water ;-), GO DOOR, DROP ALL, GO POOL, GET STRIPE, U, E (the sunlight hits Stripe, who is destroyed - you have now completed this adventure!) Jacob Gunness - 17/10-1988. ***************************************************** Displayed on the Classic Adventures Solution Archive: