AVON (Topologika) the solution By Stefano Lorenzin N / EYE / GET EYE / S / E / E / GET DAGGER / E / N / GET BASKET / W / N / NE / CUT PINE / SW / E [Yorick, the king's jester tells the player a "password", which may be Golesida, Silegoda, or one of several others. The first two letters indicate which casket to open first, the next two which to open next, so that, e.g. Lesigoda means "open lead, then silver": note it] / N / GET WORM / S / W / S / S / W / W / W / NW / W / [open the caskets in an order suggested by the jester's word] / GET PORTRAIT / N / E / KISS STATUE / GET NECKLACE / S / SE / E / S / SW / W / KILL SCOTSMAN / GET SHIELD / E / NE / N / DROP SHIELD / DROP DAGGER / OPEN BASKET / YES / PORTRAIT / YES / NECKLACE / NO / GET BASKET / N / NE / N / N / E / N / GET COLLAR / S / W / W / W / [Othello sends the player off to his "agent" in Illyria Court, whose identity is given in code on a piece of paper. Although the cipher is not identified, it is assumed to be a straight substitution and can thus refer to only one such character: e.g. "TEABAG" refers to OLIVIA, because it has 6 letters with 3rd and 5th the same, "THIGHS" means FABIAN, and so on] / E / E / E / E / E [you reach Illyria Court] / [take correct direction: the one suggested by Othello's paper] / GET VIOLA / W / N / E / GET LOAF / EAT LOAF / W / S / W / W / N / YES / GET TROPHY / W / N / [pay attention: there is a clue written on the wall] / SHAKE SPEAR / N / GET AGATE / OPEN BASKET / YES / AGATE / YES / TROPHY / YES / VIOLA / NO / NO / GET BASKET / S / S / S / [the ghost of Hamlet's father, who provides the player with a "spirit" word, such as GIN, WHISKY etc. for later use] / N / E / E / E / N / N / W / [help the king decide which daughter to favour (the clue was given earlier by an anagram: ANGER is REGAN, ONE GIRL is GONERIL, CORAL DIE is CORDELIA)] / GET ROBE / E / HAVOC / GET TOUCHSTONE / N / [now a maze: on the mountain paths, the player can go NE or NW at each stage. Taking the wrong path brings Cassandra prophesying doom. The player should go back (South) and take the other exit] / GET ILIAD / S / S / S / S / S / S / S / S / W / W / S / ARNE / GET ALL / SE / [summon the spirits from the deep using the name given by Hamlet's father: GIN, WHISKY, etc.] WHISKY [or whatever] / GET TOPAZ / NW / S / SW / S / [ put ROBE, ILIAD, TOPAZ, TOUCHSTONE in the basket] / GET ALL / DROP COLLAR AND DAGGER / W / SW / GET PHIAL / DRINK PHIAL / GET ALL / NE / E / N / TOE / GET TOE / S / E / E / E / N / E / S / GET PIE / FATHOM / SE / GET GOBLET / NW / N / W / W / S / W / W / W / DROP ALL EXCEPT TOE AND BASKET / EAT TOE / W [note letter's addressee] / OPEN BASKET / NO / YES / YES / N / GET BASKET / NE / N / W / NW / W / [solve the March version of the casket puzzle: the notation is similar to January's; if the letter was addressed to Mistress Silegond, one opens SILVER then LEAD, and so forth] [open the correct caskets] / GET RING / E / SE / GET PHIAL / DRINK PHIAL / GET ALL EXCEPT CALENDAR / E / E / E / N / N / NE / W / SE / E / EAT GRASS / E / GET PEARL / OPEN BASKET / YES / PEARL / YES / GOBLET / NO / NO / GET BASKET / W / W / GET SKULL / W / S / S / E / S / GET CROWN / N / W / W / W / N / YES / PUT CROWN IN BASKET / GET ALL / S / S / SW / WASH HANDS / DROP TONGUE / NE / N / W / NW / NW / SIT / NE / E / NE / N / NW / WAIT [until a path is open] / SW / W / SW / SE / WAIT [again until a path opens] / NE / N / E / WAIT [again until a path opens] / SW / S / GET SCEPTRE / U / S / D / PUT SCEPTRE IN BASKET / DROP WOOL / GET BASKET / E / E / E / N / E / E / GET SCROLL / [note orator's name: the player will use the name of the orator (Legosinius, Gosilenius, etc.) with the casket problem once more] / W / W / S / W / W / W / W / NW / W / [open the correct caskets] / GET STOCKINGS / E / SE / E / S / SW / WASH / S / SE / READ SCROLL [and move in correct direction: this is a maze and reading the scroll when in it tells the player the next direction to go in (including possibly BACK) by means of a Shakespeare quotation. Reading the scroll elsewhere gives a random enigmatic message (the most helpful being "By indirections find directions out")] / [repeat until you find Imogen] / GET BRACELET / READ SCROLL / NNW [like this!: it's not a typing mistake] / N / NE / N / PUT BRACELET IN BASKET / GET BASKET / E / E / E / N / E / E / SE / DROP RING / DROP SCROLL / DROP STOCKINGS / S / S / YES / PUT DUCATS IN BASKET / GET BASKET / SW / GET CAGE / NE / SE / WAIT [several times until the chest is at your feet] / OPEN CHEST / GET SPICES / WAIT [the same way again] / GET CHEST [when it arrives] / NW / N / N / E / N / [map the maze by following the line of Rosalind notices: this maze is different every time you map it, so only map it once. Whenever you lose the line of Rosalinds, move back until you find you are at the first one again (this soon happens)] / [wake the sleeping man with] MORTIMER / [note the name of his friend (Costard, Parolles, Nym, Scroop etc.)] / [leave forest coming back following the Rosalind notices] / OPEN CAGE / W / S / E / GET VASE [if it ever moves DROP it, WAIT and TAKE it again] / W / S / S / THROW VASE / D / GET SHREW / U / GET VASE / N / N / N / [put vase and spices into basket] / GET ALL EXCEPT SCROLL / E / GET ARROW / E / N / JUMP / DROP SHIELD / PUT CAGE IN BASKET / GET BOW AND BASKET / E / [give any name] / FIRE ARROW / S / GET PORPENTINE / N / DROP BOW / E / [say correct name (COSTARD, SCROOP or whatever): the one given by the man in that forest maze] / E / GET BLADDER / E / N / NE / N / NW / GET CHAIN / BURST BLADDER / SW / S / SE / S / [put ring, chain, sapphire and stockings in basket] / THROW PORPENTINE: you have completed the game. [Final score: 450 points] ***************************************************** Displayed on the Classic Adventures Solution Archive: http://solutionarchive.com