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Sorcerer (Sorcerer.txt)

Written by Tim Gilbert
Walk Through by Dorothy Millard (C64 Quilled Version)

1. This game is identical to Magician, only the name has been changed.

Walk Through
(Start south of the castle), N (drawbridge), D (moat), GET SWORD (great), U, N, N (vast courtyard),
W, U (battlements), N, U (bell tower), GET TORCH (wooden), D, S, S (southwest tower), GET ROPE, E, E
(southeast tower), GET FLINT, N, N, W, D, S, E (great hall), LIGHT TORCH, DROP FLINT, S (north/south
passage where you meet a not too friendly giant dog), KILL DOG (using sword), S, W (sorcerer's
study), GET WATER (glass of), DRINK WATER (prevents you dying of thirst), DROP GLASS (empty), E, N
(back to north/south passage), LOOK SHADOWS (see a hole in the floor but don't go down yet).

N (kitchen), CLIMB TAPESTRY (minstrel's gallery), GET KEY, D, N (kitchen), TURN SPIT (a
trapdoor opens and you fall through to the catacombs), S, GET LADDER, S, N (the open trapdoor is
above your head), THROW ROPE, CLIMB ROPE (back to kitchen), S, S, D (dungeon), DROP LADDER, S
(torture room), OPEN IRON (maiden - it's locked), UNLOCK IRON, OPEN IRON, READ SPELL (there is
a great crack and flash as powerful magic is discharged, but there is no apparent result), GET ORB,
E, E, N (kitchen), TURN SPIT (you fall to the catacombs again), E, S, S, E (alchemist's crypt),
GET ***SCROLL***), D, U, D, E, PUSH WALL (you are inside the iron maiden - note do not do this
unless you have first opened it or you will only find spikes), E, N, CLIMB LADDER, N, w, S, S (back
to start).

You have solved the adventure.

Taken from Dorothy Irene's site:

Displayed on the Classic Adventures Solution Archive: