Guided to the Lake of Fire by the princess in part one, you must now find the Golden Key of seven.
Only ever reviewed as a trilogy, the three parts do seem to have been advertised as being for sale separately; although Fergus thinks that may have just been a badly worded advertisement. Nevertheless, the original version of part 1 does feature a message on completion signposting the player to purchase the next two instalments.
The game exists in at least two different versions: the original Quill A release (identified by being in first person) and the later Quill C release (in third person, and with some graphics).
As well as being published by Delta 4 themselves, the trilogy was re-released much later by GI Games (and then Zenobi).
An unofficial conversion of the ZX Spectrum version is available for Atari 400/800; ported by devwebcl.
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Much smaller than Part 1, but at least it has some puzzles. Again, it looks more like an excuse for the author's getting used to the Quill's basic facilities.