An eccentric millionaire, Anastase Kazatzkian, has built a labyrinth in the underground of a remote island in the Indian Ocean and has launched a competition offering five million dollars for those who manage to get to the heart of the labyrinth and decipher its secret. Several explorers and experts in riddles and hieroglyphics have accepted a challenge but so far no one has managed to solve the mystery of Tökland Island.
Your mission as the journalist Nathaniel Maris will be to travel to the island of Dondrapur, join the contest and be accepted to travel to Tökland to enter a maze full of enigmas and unimaginable surprises.
In the second part of the game you will play the explorer Cornelius Berzhot and your mission will be to sign up for the competition in Dondrapur, take some admission tests (you are not as lucky as Nathaniel Maris) and then travel to Tökland to enter the labyrinth. Cornelius actually has other hidden interests that will be revealed later.
In the third part of the adventure you will play Nathaniel Maris again on a rescue mission on Tökland Island which will turn into an unexpected adventure with amazing final revelations.
Based on "El misterio de la isla de Tökland", a 1981 novel by Joan Manuel Gisbert. Not to be confused with "La isla de Tokland", a much earlier Inform game based on the same novel.
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