SoftSide Adventure Series #7 Madhouse By Peter Kirsch Published by SoftSide Publications, September 1983 For Atari 400/800/XL/XE (same or very similar for Apple II, PC and TRS-80) Solution by Garry Francis ---------------------------------------- This is a minimal solution that accounts for random events. You'll need to LOOK at lots of things for this solution to make sense. The game starts on Thursday, as indicated by the flip calendar in the office. The note in the office tells you that the laundry pickup is on Wednesday, so you need to wait 6 days before attempting your escape. You can wait one day by going to sleep in your bunk. However, Shakespeare gives you a task and asks you to come back the following day, so you must take this into account. There are two randomly-appearing non-player characters. Wandering Wanda travels in a clockwise direction in the pink rooms (see map). She does not cause you any problems, so when you have what she wants, just wait in one of the pink rooms until she appears. Robber Robert appears at random in the blue rooms (see map) with a 20% chance of appearing. If you don't have what he wants, he will steal something else and hide it in the storage room. To avoid this, take care of Robber Robert as soon as possible and don't carry anything that you will need until you've dealt with him. He will not steal the silver dollar and he will not appear if you don't have anything else to steal. The solution takes all this into account. (Game starts on Thursday.) GO BUNK SLEEP (it's Friday) SLEEP (it's Saturday) SLEEP (it's Sunday) SLEEP (it's Monday) SLEEP (it's Tuesday) GET UP S E N N E E E GET DOLLAR W W W S W W W W GO DOOR GIVE DOLLAR (wooden teeth added to inventory) S (he throws the dollar out of his room) GET DOLLAR E E E DROP TEETH (so that Robber Robert doesn't steal 'em) E S S E E FLIP DOLLAR (Lucky Chucky leaves) GET DOLLAR W W N N N E E INSERT DOLLAR GET CIGARETTES (repeatedly LOOK until Robber Robert appears and takes cigarettes) GET KEY W GO DOOR GET TYPEWRITER S W S E E E OPEN DOOR GO DOOR GET BEARD WEAR BEARD W W W W W GET TEETH E S E GO DOOR GIVE TEETH (centerfold added to inventory) S W N W W GO DOOR GIVE CENTERFOLD (hamburger added to inventory) S W GO DOOR GIVE TYPEWRITER (tells you to come back tomorrow) S E E E S S E GO DOOR GIVE HAMBURGER (Gettysburg address added to inventory) S E E GO STAIRS GET HAT WEAR HAT GO STAIRS W W W N E E (Roman candles added to inventory) W W W GO DOOR GO BUNK SLEEP (it's Wednesday, laundry day!) GET UP S W GO DOOR GIVE HAT (rabbit added to inventory) S E E N W GO DOOR GIVE CANDLES (fiddle added to inventory) S W W GO DOOR (poem added to inventory) READ POEM (he wants some luck) S E E E S S W GO STAIRS GET EXTINGUISHER GO STAIRS E N N W GO DOOR (you put out the fire) S E S S S GO STAIRS E PLAY FIDDLE (glass door shatters) E DROP RABBIT (he eats the clover and falls asleep) GET RABBIT GET CLOVER (it's a 4-leaf clover) W W GO STAIRS N N N (repeatedly LOOK until Wandering Wanda appears) GIVE FIDDLE (book added to inventory) E GO DOOR GIVE RABBIT (dirty shirt added to inventory) S W W W W GO DOOR GIVE CLOVER (large key added to inventory) S E E E S W W W GO DOOR GIVE BOOK (flashlight added to inventory) S E E E S S GO STAIRS OPEN DOOR GO DOOR LIGHT FLASHLIGHT GO BAG LOOK LAUNDRY GET UNIFORM WEAR UNIFORM LOOK (repeat until laundry bag tossed onto floor) U GO DOOR ***THE END***