Adventure at Vandenberg A.F.B. - Tom Hudson, 1985 - ANALOG Computing GET CAN N, W, S, E, D SPRAY CAMERA S SPRAY CAMERA DROP CAN **** CAREFUL HERE! **** Q to quit, Y to Save, D to Disk (code is trial and error - right code is hidden behind door) PUSH WHITE or PUSH GRAY (five times, figure out sequence until no siren sounds and door opens) ********************** S U READ NOTE N, W, N GET BLUE S, S, E, D S, E, U GET SCISSORS D, S, S, S MOVE CRATE E GET WRENCH E READ BLUE (note code, use in next steps) PUSH WHITE or PUSH GRAY in sequence (5 times) DROP BLUE U (READ PINK here for an ironic laugh, it's the code we had to guess earlier!) CUT BAG CUT WIRE DROP SCISSORS GET BAG D, W, W, N, N E, E, E REMOVE BOLTS OPEN HATCH DROP BAG