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Bulbo and the Lizard-King (Bulbo_and_Lizard_King_hints.txt)

Bulbo and the Lizard-King (Zenobi Software)

To pass the dragon:    Either kill it or cure it.
To pass the rat:   Roll boulder after visiting rat.
To pass the orcs:   Just hide in bushes.
To learn name of golden bird:   Examine coins in pouch.
To get donkey over wall:   Lift it or throw it.
Slippery slope:   Climb carefully.

    *  DRAGON - Have the donkey with you. Examine the dragon and search the pack to fix the wing.
    * RAT IN HOLE - Roll the boulder.
    * SMALL LIZARD - Forget it!
    * THE BEAR - Get the swordsman or the archer to kill him.
    * RIVER - Ask Giant for help and he will build a boat. Board the boat.
      a) Get the archer to kill the spider and swordsman to cut the web.
      b) When the donkey is with you, wait.
      c) Ask the dwarf for help.
    * BACK PACK - Eat or drink.
    * GIANT - He drowns in water.
    * Once you have chosen your party of companions just type 'PARTY' or 'P' at
any time in order to display who is with you. Choose wisely, success depends upon it!!!
    * Sometimes it pays to kill but at others a bit of kindness goes a long way.
    * If BULBO cannot carry out a certain task then perhaps one of his companions can, so to find
out just ask them in the following manner ..... 'ASK THE DWARF TO HELP'.
    * At the 'end', you will need FOUR companions with BULBO and that does NOT include a

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