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Phantom of Priory Court, The (Phantom_of_Priory_Court.txt)

Commodore User Magazine
Walk Through by Dorothy Millard (C64 Version)

You are challenged to track down "The Phantom of Priory Court," a mischievous poltergeist,
maybe, that's been causing havoc at the offices of Commodore User.

Walk Through
(Start at the entrance to Priory Court), N (main foyer), N, N, N (Mike's mad house), GET
JOYSTICK, S (Eugene's emporium), GET TORCH, S (leave the message pad), W (listings store -
leave the notebook), E, S, GET FUSEWIRE, W, GET ANTIDOTE, S (post room), E (dark basement), USE
TORCH (now you can see the way out), W, N, E, E (back to main foyer), E (don't go north into
the lift as there's no way out).

S (security office - leave the passcard), E (store room), GET DISK, N (staff canteen where a
homicidal chef pounces on you), THROW JOYSTICK (he slumps to the floor), N (drinking fountain - the
water is poison and you grow dizzy), SWALLOW ANTIDOTE (it works), S, w, W, N, N, E, N (ads
department), E, S (leave cassette), W, W, W, W (computer room), FIX FUSE (the C128 bursts into
life), LOAD DISK.

The detection program runs to reveal that the havoc as been caused by a disgruntled Valley reader
who hasn't yet won a competition.
You have reached the end of this attempt to find the Phantom.

Taken from Dorothy Irene's site:

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