Once upon a time in a land far far away lived a young boy named Aladdin. He lived in a small cottage with the widow Twanky not far from the Sultan's palace. The Sultan had a very beautiful daughter and it was Aladdin's dream that one day he would be able to marry her and live in a palace of great beauty. One day a knock came to the door and when Aladdin answered it, he found a magician standing there with a magic ring. Now this magician was both evil and greedy and he knew that hidden in some nearby caves was a lamp with far more power than his little ring. 'Help me dear Aladdin' said the evil magician. Please go to the caves and find an old rusty lamp which I lost there many years ago. Now Aladdin was not that stupid to fall for this, but made his mind up to visit the caves anyhow.
This was published by Argus Specialist Publications as a BASIC type-in listing for the BBC/Electron in Games Computing, issue 5, May 1984, pp. 66-71 and the MSX in MSX User, vol. 1, no. 3, February 1985, pp. 54–61.