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Games - German (587 results)

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Title Publisher Year Language Documents
0 Grad Nord Ariolasoft 1985 German Solution, Map, Hints
007 - Im Dienste Seiner Majestaet CPC Schneider International, Data Media 1986 German
2. Mai, Der Ferenz Ludewig 2004 German
20.000 Meilen unter dem Meer OLS Software 1988 German Solution, Map
2010 - the Second Odyssey Paterak Software 1985 German
5 Bücher von Tronje, Die PDPD Software 1992 German Solution, Map, Fixed game
5. Kammer, Die Tobias Heintzen 2004 German
7 Steine von Yandor, Die ? 1988 German
Abenteuer Im Weltraum Atari (Germany) 1984 German Solution, Map
Abenteuer In Schottland Kruse Software 1985 German
Abenteuer, Das Thorsten Brauer 2013 German
Abenteuergame ? ? German
Absturzmomente Jörg Rosenbauer 2010 German
Adventure - Schreckensland, Das ? ? German
Adventure 2000 64'er, Markt & Technik 1985 German Solution, Map, Hints
Adventure II ? ? German Solution
Adventure of the Saufbox M. Baye, Stefan Traublinger 2017 German Solution, Map
Adventure-Game EDOSP ? German Solution, Map
Adventures Dream Kai Clausenhitzer 1985 German Solution
Adventureworld Knights 1983 German
Aegypten Lutz Reckrühm, Uwe Becker 1987 German Solution, Map
Africa Phantomsoft ? German
Agent Tronic Verlag 1989 German Solution
Aids Laser Research 1985 German
Aktenzeichen Mohn B. Bartis 1985 German
Aktenzeichen X-14 Eurogold 1986 German
Allein im All Michael Stein 2005 German
Allein mit Kai Ingo Scharmann, Joana Markus 2010 German
Allkrieg Maik Beta 2004 German
Alptraum R & E Software 1987 German Solution, Map
Alte Haus, Das Rossi-Soft 1988 German
Alte Rom, Das Thomas Wieland 1984 German
Ameriganos ein Adventure Teil II PDPD Software 1992 German Solution
Amerika's Agent KHP Soft 1984 German Solution, Map
Amulett, Das Martin Oehm 1996 German
Anaborea Michael Siedentopf ? German Solution, Map
Anal Frustriert Robin Haberkorn ? German
And so the world did end Giggling Kiste 2013 German
Angstbaum, Der Jens Bojaryn 2002 German
Ares Michael Baltes 2010 German
Arkaneth 1 Rascalsoft 1988 German
Asi - Planet des Todes 64'er, Markt & Technik 1988 German Solution, Map, Hints
Asterix und Obelix - Die Odyssey 64'er, Markt & Technik 1986 German Solution, Map, Hints, Fixed game
Astray in Jungle ? ? German Solution, Map
Astrolab Eway 10 Software 2005 German Solution, Hints
Atlantic Adventure Homecomputer info, Roeske Verlag 1984 German Solution, Map
Atlantis Ariolasoft 1984 German
Atlantis Miao The Dreampanther 1997 German
Auf den Spuren des Buddha zu Bodnath Systems Editoriale 1986 German Solution
Auf der Suche 64'er, Markt & Technik 1990 German Solution, Map, Hints