In a battle lost in the mists of time, the necromantic Skull Lord attacked and defeated the race of noble Dwarves. The Dwarves lost many treasures, the most valuable of these being the "Crown of Dwarves' Kings". For many ages did they attempt to regain this artefact and for many years did they fail.
Now in desperation they call upon you, noble warrior, to attempt that which is beyond their power.
Your quest: To regain the fabled crown and defeat the all-powerful Skull Lord.
A REM statement in the Amstrad version's loader states that the game was written and designed by D. Heaton (with "assistances by" Peter Gough & Mark Wilson)
The Spectrum, Amstrad, and C64 versions were Quilled.
The BBC Micro and Dragon versions are programmed in BASIC.
The Samurai Software advert for this game also lists similarly "special modified versions" for the Sharp MZ-711, Vic 20 16K, and TI-99/4A. Presumably, if they exist, these versions were also written in BASIC.
The C64 version was adapted in 2020 to make an unofficial version for Plus 4; see here.
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