Notable ports include...
Chrám Zkázy (1985) by Tomáš Havel, for the Atari 8-bit machines.
Indiana Jones a Chrám Zkázy (1989) by Petr Doležel of Spacesoft, for the Atari 8-bit machines; a patched version is required.
Indiana Jones a Chrám Zkázy (1991) by Rudolf Kudla of United Electronic Crazies, for the Atari 8-bit machines.
The Herni Archeolog blog notes that the games Podraz na Indiana Jonese (1987), Dobrodružství Indiana Jonese na Václavském náměstí v Praze dne 16. 1. 1989 (1989), and Indiana Jones a Zlatá Soška Keltů (1989) were all inspired by this initial Frantisek Fuka adventure.
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