Escape Medea's gory underground crypt, which is filled with deadly traps.
For its time, the game had rather vivid descriptions of various death situations.
Works with the Mockingboard.
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A very obscure and one heck of a tough game. Paying attention to the images as well as clues will get you far. Also paying attention to what you are carrying will also help you in this very tough "dungeon" type of quest.
This game was made for the Apple // AND the IBM PC on a single disk. The game was created by Arthur Britto and Alan Lamb.
Made in 1984 and released by Sir-Tech Software of Wizardry fame.
I didn't realize that Apple ][ and PC discs were compatible. (impressive, seeing how Apple insists on using proprietary standards for all products these days ;) ). I've added the data on the programmers.
I believe one side was IBM PC and the other was Apple //. Hope you got the box and screen images I sent to you as well - MY OOPS; I also sent a Crystal Caverns map file to you in the rush to send the box/screenshots to you! Sorry!
Despite the comments posted here by others, The Crypt of Medea was never released by Sir-Tech for the PC. It was only released on the Apple II. The disk was not double-sided for 2 incompatible computer systems. The confusion is probably caused by the sticker on the box cover which says DOS 3.3. That refers only to Apple's 16-sector disk operating system format (DOS 3.3) as opposed to earlier Apple2 games on 13-sector disks (DOS 3.2). Microsoft's PC DOS 3.3 was not released until 1987 (long after the Crypt of Medea was released). CASA should delete the references to Sir-Tech's Crypt of Medea being available in a PC format.
All references do seem to refer to it being Apple II only, so I've deleted the PC reference.
You weren't joking when you said this game was tough and gruesome. I wish I hadn't eaten that Chinese take away now.
I have come across a bug in this very tough assault which appears to be of an aid to your progress, unusually. The mutated being presumably doesn't attack me as he (it) is slavering over something that I haven't managed to pick up further back in the game. It looks like a case of gather your roses while you may so I won't complain at this juncture.