The editor of the LONDON CHRONICLE was recently in receipt of an alarming epistle which recounted most peculiar happenings in the quiet country village of Arkham.
Ordinarily such unsubstantiated accounts are treated with the utmost scepticism, but on this occasion the letter was from a singularly reliable source: a man well known to CHRONICLE readers, Colonel Lemin.
Colonel Lemin saw distinguished service in the Boer War, and was afterwards elected MP for Bookham, going on to hold an important position in the Foreign Office. He retired to Arkham last year to pursue his hobbies of gardening and shooting, contributing articles on both these subjects to the CHRONICLE.
Consequently, his letter is being treated with the greatest seriousness, and one of our best freelance reporters has been despatched to Arkham to investigate events.
Icon-driven, so only borderline relevant for CASA.
Based on H. P. Lovecraft's novels.
A C64 version was advertised but doesn't seem to have been released.
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