This oddest of years is drawing to a close. But I'm happy to see that it has been put to good use. Our database lists no less than
67 new games released this year.
Once again, thanks to everybody for keeping the site up and running and new material coming in at a steady pace. I'm grateful for all contributions, be they in front of or behind the scenes.
Contributors: Denk, ahope1, Odd Magne Ogreid, benkid77, iamaran, Alex, boldir, terri, Morningstar, Exemptus, RetroBasic, NickB, Jonathan O, valkyrie17, leenew, PJ-1978, Strident, auraes, adventuron, Gunness, Finn-R, thomasboevith, Duffadash, Csabo
- New Solutions: Alien Research Centre 3, Anno 1700, Arrow of Death Part 2, Death Ship, Escapade, Haunted House, House, The, Lair of the Necromancer, Land der Sieben Ringe, Legend of Craldons Creek, The, Life of Crime, A, Long Way Home Volume 2: The Ludoids, Monster, Murder, Mystery, Necromancer II, Novagen, Phantom of Blackmoore, The, Return to the Castle, Ship, The, Spooky House Adventure, Temple, The, Test, The, Tristam Island, Tut anch Mamon, Xtroth - The Adventure, Ziggurat
- New Maps: Assignment East Berlin, Gargoyle's Castle, Lair of the Necromancer, Land der Sieben Ringe, Life of Crime, A, Life of Crime, A, Mad Scientist, Magic Sword, The, Monster, Necromancer II, Novagen, Questprobe Featuring Spider-Man, Sandman Cometh, The, Se-kaa of Assiah, Spooky House Adventure, Test, The, Test, The, Thief in the Night, A, Tut anch Mamon, Underworld - The Village, Witch's Cauldron, The, Ziggurat
- New Hints: Adventure Diploma, Hut, The, Monster
- New Fixed games: House, The, Lair of the Necromancer, Land der Sieben Ringe
- Updated Hints: Rick Hanson, Secret Garden, The
- Updated Maps: Holmes & Moriarty, Test, The, Test, The
- Updated Solutions: House, The, Maze of Madness, Phantom of Blackmoore, The, Rick Hanson, Secret Garden, The, Tristam Island
- New Reviews: Holmes & Moriarty, School of Death, The
- New Games: Alien Research Centre 3, Arctic Adventure, Asteka, Christmas Quest, A, Day of the Sleigh, Deck the Halls, Gieves, Desert of Destiny, DOS, Escapade, Escape from the Alien Spaceship, Feathery Christmas, Frog's Adventure, Halloween, Jimmy's Christmas Foul, Lost Shadow, Mediterranean Mission, Mission Malta, Northpole, Nukeman, Oh Man!, Pre-Marie, Present Quest, Ruusun Alla, Santa's Trainee Elf, SANTAPUNK 2076, Save Bigfoot's Christmas, Solstice Sovereigns of the North, The, Spooky House Adventure, Storm Mountain, Tarturian, The, Temple, The, Twelve Days, One Night
I haven't been around much during the last months, but I'm happy to see the level of activity and very grateful for everybody who helps keeping the operation running. Both in front of and behind the scenes. With large parts of the world in various stages of lockdown, I hope that some retro gaming can help keep your spirits high.
Contributors: Hopalong, stevenjameshodgson, ahope1, benkid77, iamaran, Dorothy, Garry, Exemptus, Gonzo, Alex, Geoff, Bev Truter, Oloturia, Csabo, nimusi, RetroBasic, Canalboy, dfabulich, auraes, jgerrie, jimjamsgames, Sylvester, CCLGamer, Gunness, Alastair, leenew, PJ-1978, Strident, adventuron
- New Solutions: 5 Minutes to Burn Something!, A-MIS Adventure, Across The Stars: The Ralckor Incident, Adventure, Adventureland, Amusement Park, Anchorhead, And the Waves Choke the Wind, Anion 3, Art D's Next Batch Adventure, Art D's Third Batch Adventure, Astronauturon: A Mission in Time, Awakening, The, Badly Cursed Treasure, Balances, Beneath: a Transformation, Bradford Mansion, Camelot, Cave of Hoarding, The, Cave of Montauk, The, Century, Cliff Diver 2: Purchase Sight Unseen, Cloudburst, Code, The, Colossal Cave Adventure, Crystal of Nebumeth, The, Curse of Rabenstein, The, Demon Knight, Desierto, Diamond & Sword, Dragon-Hoard, Dream Prisoner, Escape the Cave of Magic, Excalibur, Explorer, The, Fest, Das, Fuga, La, Galactic Hitchhiker, Gnome, Golden French Fry, The, Golden Ikon of Ramisis, Golden Nugget, House on Haunted Hill, Murder Mystery Weekend, Mushroom Hunt, Mystery of Maud Manor, The, Nirvana, Not Just an Ordinary Ballerina, Pawn, The, Pirámide, Pon Una Tarantula en Tu Vida, Post Mortem, Purple Crystal of the Heavens, The, Quest for the Gobal, The, Resaca, Return to Karven, Sacred Pyramid, The, Saturn's Child, Saturn's Child, Sceptre of Hamloth, The, School Report, Seeker of Magic, Si da SIDA, SIGMA Experiment,The, Stone Table, The, Strange Odyssey, Survival Messenger, Survival Messenger Adventure, Talk to Him about Love, Tesoro di Malpetra, Il, Through the Looking Glass, Tiempos de Magia, Torreoscura, Tower, The, Troll and the Teddy, The, Troll's Revenge, A, Ula Tor, Vacaciones de Verano, Viejo Archivero, El, Western Adventure, A, WUZ, ZK
- New Maps: A-MIS Adventure, Adventure, Adventure in the Magic Land, Adventure Quest, Adventureland, After Shock, Alien From Outer Space, The, Astronauturon: A Mission in Time, Badly Cursed Treasure, Cairo Connection, The, Castle of Mydor, Cave of Hoarding, The, Cave of Montauk, The, Cavern of Riches, Century, Code, The, Crobe, Crobe, Curse of Rabenstein, The, Curse of the Sasquatch, Curse of the Seven Faces, Diamond & Sword, Dragon-Hoard, Empire of Karn, Escape From Raka Tua, Escape the Cave of Magic, Eureka!, Excalibur, Explorer, The, Faerie, Fairlight Castle, Feasibility Experiment, Ghoulies, Golden Apple, The, Golden French Fry, The, Golden Ikon of Ramisis, Golden Nugget, Himalayan Odyssey, Ice Station Zero, Jewels of Babylon, The, Journey to the Centre of Eddie Smith's Head, Journey, The, Key to Time, The, King Solomon's Mines, LAND, Lost City, Mafia Contract, Magic Telephone, The, Mirror of Khoronz, The, Mushroom Hunt, Mutiny in the Mansion, Mystery Island, Oasis of Shalimar, Over Here!, Over Here!, Perseus & Andromeda, Peter Pan, Price of Magik, The, Project-X: The Micro Man, Quest for the Gobal, The, Red Moon, Return to Castle Coris, Return to Castle Coris, Return to Karven, Sacred Pyramid, The, Saga of Erik the Viking, The, Saturn's Child, Schatzjaeger, Seeker of Magic, SIGMA Experiment,The, Sirius Adventure, Sorcerer of Claymorgue Castle, The, Space Traveller, Space War... and the PDP, Staff of Zaranol, The, Stone Table, The, Survival Messenger Adventure, Talk to Him about Love, Ten Little Indians, Torreoscura, Tower of Despair, Troll and the Teddy, The, Troll's Revenge, A, Vial of Doom, The, Volcano of Raka Tua, Waxworks, Western Adventure, A, Wizard of Akyrz, The, World's Edge, Zim Sala Bim, Zombies Ate Our Roadies
- New Manuals: Stranded 2
- New Hints: Adventure in the Magic Land, Burglar's Adventure, Cairo Connection, The, Caverns in Mountain, Dream Prisoner, Empire of the Over-Mind, Over Here!, Tower, The, Ula Tor
- New Fixed games: Castle Dracwulf, Gnome, Golden Nugget, Quasimodo, Western Adventure, A
- Updated Hints: Adventure in the Magic Land, Empire of the Over-Mind, Island of Xaan, Mindfighter
- Updated Maps: A-MIS Adventure, Adventureland, Astronauturon: A Mission in Time, Crobe, Crobe, Return of the Ring, Return of the Ring, Return to Castle Coris, Return to Castle Coris, Saturn's Child, Towering Inferno
- Updated Solutions: A-MIS Adventure, Cloudburst, Excalibur, Mystery of Maud Manor, The, Purple Crystal of the Heavens, The, Saturn's Child, Saturn's Child, Schatzjaeger, SIGMA Experiment,The, Torreoscura, Western Adventure, A
- New Reviews: Abduction, Castle Ralf, Flint's Gold, Garden Quest, Price of Magik, The
- New Games: 1958: Dancing With Fear, 8 Shoes on the Shelves, A-MIS Adventure, Advanced Xoru, Adventure, Adventure Castle, Adventure RD, Adventure XT, Adventures of Helpfulman, The, Adventures of Snatch and Crunch, The, Agent, Agent II: Silenced, Ailihphilia, Alias 'The Magpie', Anal Frustriert, Antiquest, Apprentice, The, Art D's Next Batch Adventure, Art D's Third Batch Adventure, Arthur Yahtzee: The Curse of Hell's Cheesecake, Assassin, Avventura, Avventura2 - Fuga dal Pianeta, Awakening, Beauty Cold and Austere, A, Behind Closed Doors 9, Behind the Door, Birmingham IV, Black Dawn, Border Reivers, Bradford Mansion, Brios and the Paladin, Bullhockey!, Castle, Castle Adventure, Castle Bally, Castle Dracwulf, Castle Greystone, Castle of Eagles, Castle of Thread, A, Charming, Chateu Le Mont, Cheeky Purge, Chico and I Ran, Citizen of Nowhere, Clusterflux, Craghaven, Crypt of the Abbeys, Cube in the Cavern, The, Dark Angel, Dark Forest I, Dark Forest II, Darkness, Denarius Avaricius Sextus, Deserted House, Diddlebucker!, Dossier Palmer, Dot and Tot of Merryland, Drakon River, Dream Pieces 2, Dutch Dapper IV: The Final Voyage, Dyania, Dynamite Powers vs. the Ray of Night!, Eat Me, Eight Characters, a Number, and a Happy Ending, Eldarian Odyssey, Elven Crystals, Elven Crystals II, En Garde, Enceladus, Enemies, Escape from Terra, Esotera: The Stones of Esotera, Eunice, Explorer, The, Extreme Omnivore: Text Edition, Fairlight Castle, Fake News, Fall of Voyageur, Fat Fair, Ferret, Fifi's Whorehouse II - The Next Day, Final Soul, Five Lands, Flowers of Mysteria, Fluorescent Jungle, The, Flustered Duck, A, For the Moon Never Beams, Forum, Forum 2, Four Eccentrics, The, Fred's Nightmare, Frenemies; or, I Won An Andy Phillips Game!, Frog's Adventure, Future Threads, Game to End All Games, The, Gnome, Goblet, The, Golden Apple, Golden French Fry, The, Golden Nugget, Gone Out For Gruyère, Goodbye Cruel Squirrel, Great Machine, The, Grue, Guttersnipe: St. Hesper's Asylum for the Criminally Mischievous, Halite, Happy Birthday, Yoshi!, Hard Puzzle 4 - The Ballad of Bob and Cheryl, Haunted Mission Adventure, The, Haus der Angst, Heist: The Crime of the Century, HLA Adventure, House on Haunted Hill, House on Sycamore Lane, The, ImagiDroids, Inevitable, Interra, L'autre Monde, Island in the Storm, Jon Doe – Wildcard Nucleus, Jour Pluvieux, Junior Arithmancer, Karawane der Siebten Dynastie, Die, Labyrinth II, Last Resort, Let's Play: Ancient Greek Punishment: The Text Adventure, Local Asynchronous Satellite Hookup, Lock and Key, Love's Fiery Imbroglio, Lydia's Heart, Macropolis, Madness, Magic Cloak of Noland, The, Magic Flute, The, Magical Monarch of Mo, The, Main Course, Mansion II, The, Mansion, The, Martha's Big Date, Marvelous Land of Oz, The, Mean Streets, Measureless to Man, Meeting Robb Sherwin, Mental Entertainment, Merlin's Quest, Mirror and Queen, Moments Out of Time: Adventure Type, Moments Out of Time: RENEGADE Type, MONDAY Adventure, The, Monster Age: Trials of Dustorn, Mouse Who Woke Up For Christmas, The, Mrs. Pepper’s Nasty Secret, My Adventure in Oz, Mystery City, Mystery City, Nam, Narcolepsy, New Castle, The, Nightmare Adventure, Not Just an Ordinary Ballerina, Nothing but Mazes, Ocean Beach, Old Jim's Convenience Store, Ondskans Spegel, One Smurfy Day, One Way Out, One Week, Onyton Adventures, The, Origin of Madame Time, The, Out, Owl Consults, The, Pas De Deux, Passing Darkness, Pegasus, Pieces of Eight, Pizza Quest, Poppet, Psychosphere, Quest for the BBC Joystick, The, Quest for Waitomo Cave, The, Quest to Verona... When Stupidity Strikes!, R-Space I: Viktor's Escape, Rainbow Bridge, Rance the Dungeonkeeper, Randomized Escape, Red Dwarf - Infinity Welcomes Careful Drivers, Red Tag Clearance, Remedial Witchcraft, Return to Oz, Return to the Castle, Return to the Colossal Cave, The, Revenge of the Thing-Fish, Revenger, Richard Mines, The, Saffire, Saturn's Child, Save Princeton, Scheibenwelt-Adventure, Ein, Sea Hunter, Seance, The, Search for the Sacred Stone, Secret Agent, Secret of Vegibal Island, The, Sigil Reader (Field), Silver Gauntlet, Sirius Adventure, Six Silver Bullets, Skies Above, Skyland's Star, Slicker City, Slottet, Snow Queen, The, So I Mangled My Mom, SONGTAN: The Next Morning, Space Jest IV½, Space Punk Moon Tour, Space Quest Zero: Replicated, Space Quest: The Lost Chapter, Space War... and the PDP, Starstruck, Steam and Sacrilege, Stellar Agent, Sugared Pill, A, Sugarlawn, Survival Messenger, Survival Messenger Adventure, Swigian, Take, Tanis, Temperamentum, Temple of Shorgil, The, Terminal Interface for Models RCM301-303, Tesoro di Malpetra, Il, Tethered, The Bony King of Nowhere, Theatre People, Timewarp, Tiny BASIC 5K Adventure, The, Tomb of Death, Topaz, Totally Useless Game, Tower, The, Treasure of the New Kingdom, Tristam Island, Troll's Treasure, Tuuli, Tuuli, Ula Tor, Ultimate Escape Room: IF City, Unchanter, Under the Sea, Untold Story, The, URI Quest, Valley of Mystery, The, Ventilator, Very Vile Fairy File, Virtua School, Voodoo Girl: Queen of the Darned, Walk In The Park, A, Walker and Silhouette, Wand Master, Wand, The, Weird Wood II, Westfront Omega: The Amulet of Vega, Westfront to Apse, What Once Was, Winter Break at Hogwarts, Wizard Sniffer, The, Wonderful Wizard of Oz, The, Word of the Day, Worlds Apart, You are Standing in a Cave..., Zhandulin Helmi, Zigamus: gli Zombi al Vigamus!, Zigamus: Zombies at Vigamus!, Zozzled
Update posts might have been tardy of late, but the same can not be said of actual updates - wow!
A thank you to everyone who has contributed to CASA during the past few trying months. (Plus a personal thank you from this not so active admin to the admins who have been putting the work in, I'll try to up my game in the future.)
Contributors: Alex, urbanghost, benkid77, iamaran, Strident, Exemptus, Doreen B, blauroke, Garry, Csabo, Dorothy, PJ-1978, auraes, Gunness, terri, Mousey, Zappa666, MiguelSky, ahope1, fuzzel, RetroBasic, leenew, Paul Ingerson, Canalboy, boldir, devwebcl, Dave Edwards, CCLGamer, Steve Ludlow, Duffadash, adventuron, jdyer, Moitcho, Alastair, Kozelek
- New Solutions: 20.000 Meilen unter dem Meer, Andromeda III, Assignment East Berlin, Atlantic Adventure, Aussie Suds, Behind Closed Doors 8, Castle Blackstar, Coffee Quest II, Crown of Merro, The, Dark Tower, Doodley the Duck, Dungeon, Encounter, Enigma, Enrak, Escape!, Even the Gods May Die, Evil Prince, The, Farmyard Fun, Fergyser, Flameout, Forest of Evil, The, Geist im Schloss, Der, Gnome Adventure, Goblin Quest, Goblin Quest, Goddess, Golden Crown, The, Golden Crown, The, Golden Pyramid, The, Golden Rose, The, Gorgan's Lair, Grand Larceny, Gruft, Hős Lovag, A, He-man Master of the Universe, Here Comes the Sun, Hexagram of Trutania Valley, The, Holmes & Moriarty, Hummer House of Horror, Igor's Quest, Investigations, Jokers Wild, Katastrofe På Titan, King Arthur's Quest, Late to the Party, Legacy, The, London Adventure, Long Forgotten Arabia, Lost Gadgets, Lost in Wales, Mission 1: Project Volcano, MoonBase Escape, Moonstone, Mummy, The, Murder at the Manor, Myopia, Nexus Adventure, Nheredia, Oh Shit!, Opposite Edge of Slumber, Orion Quest, The, Planet of the Robots, PlanetQuest, Queen of Hearts, The, Queen's Footsteps, The, Quest for the Black Pearl, Quest for the Golden Ferret, The, Quest for the Last Baked Bean, The, Radiomania, Realm of the Undead, Redbeard's Treasure, Reluctant Hero, Reruns Again, Rouge Midget II, Scoop, Sea Adventure, Shore Leave, Smurk, Snare, Star Wars Adventure, Starcrash, Street Patroller Remix, Tempest, The, Transylvanian Terror, The, Treasures of HollowHill, Twin Kingdom Valley, Untitled Bowerbird Game, Wicker Woman, The, Yenght, Zim Sala Bim
- New Maps: 20.000 Meilen unter dem Meer, Adventure Island, Adventure of a Lifetime, Adventures of Barsak the Dwarf, The, Africa Gardens, Alien Jailbreak, Andromeda III, Ashby Manor, Atlantic Adventure, Atlantis Adventure, Atlas Assignment, The, Billy Barker's TV Hell, Black Tower, The, Blade the Warrior, Buffer Adventure, Castle Blackstar, Cell of the Ridges, Cetro del Sol, El, Cetro del Sol, El, Codebook Caper, Cranston Manor, Crown of Merro, The, Crusoe, Danger Mouse in the Black Forest Chateau, Danger Mouse in the Black Forest Chateau, Dark Tower, Deadly Labyrinth, Death Dreadnaught, Deathship, Demon Lord, Denis Through the Drinking Glass, Devil's Island, Diamond Trail, Dog Star Adventure, Doodley the Duck, Dungeon, Earthquake, Enchanted Island, Encounter, Encounter Adventure, Energem Enigma, The, Enrak, Escape!, Even the Gods May Die, Eventyret, Evil Prince, The, Extricator, The, Farragut's Fortune, Fergyser, Final Mission, The, Forest at World's End, Forest of Evil, The, Geist im Schloss, Der, Ghost Town, Gold Icon, The, Golden Crown, The, Gorgan's Lair, Ground Zero, Gruft, Hamil, Hampstead, Haunted House, He-man Master of the Universe, Here Comes the Sun, Hexagram of Trutania Valley, The, Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy, The, Holmes & Moriarty, House of the Seven Gables, Hummer House of Horror, Igor's Quest, Inferno, The, Investigations, Island, The, Island, The, Jericho Road, Jokers Wild, Journey to the Center of Earth, Journey to the Centre of the Earth, Journey to the Centre of the Earth, Journey to the Centre of the Earth, Journey to the Centre of the Earth, King Tut's Tomb, Late to the Party, Legacy, The, Legacy, The, Leotrope, Lighthouse, The, Lords of Karma, Lost Dutchman's Gold, Lost Gadgets, Lost Gnomes, The, Lost in Wales, Machu Picchu - Das Gold der Sonnentöchter, Magic Castle, Merlin's Golden Trove, Merlin's Magic Forest, Micro Drivin', Mindbender, Mission 1: Project Volcano, MoonBase Escape, Mountains of Ket, Mummy, The, Murder at the Manor, Mystery House, Mystery Mansion, Neverending Story, The, Neverending Story, The, Neverending Story, The, Nexus Adventure, Nheredia, Nuclear Submarine, Opposite Edge of Slumber, Orc Slayer, Orion Quest, The, Perdition's Flames, Perdition's Flames, Perseus & Andromeda, Pharaoh's Tomb, The, Philosopher's Quest, Pirate, Pirate Adventure, Planet of the Robots, PlanetQuest, Queen of Hearts, The, Quest For the Holy Grail, The, Questprobe Featuring The Hulk, Realm of the Undead, Redbeard's Treasure, Reluctant Hero, Reluctant Hero, Robin of Sherlock, Search for the Lost Orb, Search for the Lost Orb, Sherlock, Ship, The, Shore Leave, Smurk, Sorcerer's Castle, Spoof: The Magic Dragon, Spyplane, Star Wreck, Starcrash, Stranded, Suicide Island, Temple of Vran, Ten Little Indians, They Say the World Will Die in Fire and Ice, Treasures of HollowHill, Trek Adventure, Twin Kingdom Valley, Untitled Bowerbird Game, Urban Upstart, Usurper, The: The Mines of Qyntarr, Usurper, The: The Mines of Qyntarr, Vampire Story, Voyage to Atlantis, Warp, Warp, Waxworks, Wicker Woman, The, Wizard and the Princess, The, Wrath of Magra, The, Yenght, Zim Sala Bim
- New Hints: Dodge City, Enigma, Eventyret, Murder at the Manor, Quest, The, Sir Arthur
- New Fixed games: He-man Master of the Universe
- New Clue sheets: Avon, Countdown to Doom, Countdown to Doom, Hezarin, Kingdom of Klein, The, Last Days of Doom, Lost Crystal, The, Murdac, Philosopher's Quest, Rebel Planet, Return to Doom, Spycatcher
- Updated Clue sheets: Castle Frankenstein, Countdown to Doom, Last Days of Doom, Lost Crystal, The, Quest for the Holy Grail, The, Wheel of Fortune
- Updated Hints: Empire of the Over-Mind, Eventyret
- Updated Maps: Alien Jailbreak, Black Tower, The, Empire of the Over-Mind, Enrak, Queen of Hearts, The, Search for the Lost Orb, Shore Leave, Warp, Warp
- Updated Solutions: Empire of the Over-Mind, Encounter, Enrak, Goblin Quest, Hummer House of Horror, Journey to the Centre of the Earth, Nexus Adventure, Orion Quest, The, Quest for the Golden Ferret, The, Realm of the Undead, Reruns Again, Rouge Midget, Smurk, Twin Kingdom Valley, Vampire Story, Wicker Woman, The, Zim Sala Bim
- New Reviews: Enrak, Gnome Adventure, Puppet-Man, The, Wheel of Fortune
- New Games: += 3, 100,000 Years, 5 Minutes to Burn Something!, 9Lives, Aardvark's Museum, Adventure, Adventure to Atlantis, Adventures of Peter Patzer, Who Sought Masterhood and Returned Not Quite the Same, The, Alesia, Alien, Amnesia, And Yet it Moves, Anno 1700, Another Lifeless Planet And Me With No Beer, Ariadne in Aeaea, Arqon, Autumn's Daughter, Awake the Mighty Dread, Baker of Shireton, The, Balances, Barry Basic and the Quest For The Perfect Port, Beginner's Cave, Behind Closed Doors 8, Bell Park, Youth Detective, Binary, Blind, Blood on the Heather, Bloodline, Body Bargain, Bons Baisers d'Outre Tombe, Books of Tarotia, The: Book 1 - Restoring the Cups, Brain Guzzlers from Beyond!, Brainless, Calling All Heroes, Calm, Camelot, Captain Verdeterre's Plunder, Cardew House, The, Carnival Masks, Caroline, Castillo de los Lamentos, El, Castle Adventure!, Castle of Hornadette, The, Challenge, The, Changes, Charlie The Chimp, Cheater, Chicago, Cinomah's Revenge, City of Dead Leaves, City of Falchon, The, Coffee, Cold Iron, Color the Truth, Coloratura, Comedy of Error Messages, A, Cow V: The Great Egg Quest, Cragne Manor, Creatures Such as We, Crisis of Dersenia, The, Crown, Crown of Merro, The, Cursed, Dad vs. Unicorn, Dark Army, Darth Vader Adventure, Dawn of the Soviet Ladybirds, Dead Hotel, Death of Schlig, Deliver the Cake, Deposit the Chair, Detectiveland, Djinn!, Doodley the Duck, Doppelgänger, Dracula in London, Dragon Quest, Dragon Resources Stories, Dragon's Lair, Dragons In Chocolate Land, Dream Pieces, ElfQuest, Enhanced, Enigma, Enrak, Escape from Colditz, Escape From Summerland, Escape from Tarabithia, Escape from the Arboretum, Ether, Eurydice, Everybody Loves a Parade, Evil Prince, The, Evolution, Example Adventure, Excelsior, Existing Elements, Fair, Fan Interference, Fifteen Minutes, Final Exam, Final Girl, Firewood, Fish Bowl, Fog Convict, Folie Meurtrière au College, Following Me, Foom, Forever Meow, Fun City, Further, Galactic Hitchhiker, Game of Worlds Tournament, Gate of Power, GC: A Thrashing Parity Bit of the Mind, George, Germ Lab, Getaway, The, Ggollek I: The Dissolution, Ghost Town, Ghost Town Gold, Goblin Decathlon, Goblin Quest, Golden Skull, The, Golden Tomb, Goldrush USA, Gonosz Herceg, A, Gorreven Papers, The, Gost Ship, Gotomomi, Grandma Bethlinda's Variety Box, Guardian, The, Guilded Youth, Gumshoe, Hamlet - The Text Adventure, Haunting the Ghosts, Heartbroken, Heritage, The, Hill 160, Hill Ridge Lost & Found, Holmes & Moriarty, Hours, The, House 2 House, House at the End of Rosewood Street, The, House, The, How Suzy Got Her Powers, How to Win at Rock Paper Scissors, howling dogs, Hurry! Hurry! Hurry!, Igor's Quest, Il Faut Fuir Thesee, Ile Au Tresor, L, Impostor Syndrome, In a Manor of Speaking, Incredible Erotic Adventures of Stiffy Makane!, The, Inhumane, Inmate, Inside the Facility, Intercept, Irvine Quik & the Search for the Fish of Traglea, Island, The, Islands of Beta, The, It, It Takes a Thief, J'dal, Jacqueline, Jungle Queen!, Jeweled Arena, The, Jokers Wild, Journey to Hell, Jubilee Road, Jungle Quest: Journey for the Lost Crystal, Keepsake, Kelly's Rescue, Kidnapped by Warlock Fozzlelock, Kill Justin, Killer Headache, A, Koustrea's Contentment, Laid Off from the Synesthesia Factory, Lake Braddock Secondary School, LAND, Land of the Mountain King, Last Day of Summer, Last Minute, Last Night In The Office, Late to the Party, Life On Mars?, Lift, The, Living Will, Looking for Godot, Lost, Lost Gadgets, Lunar Base 1, Même les Pommes de Terre ont des Yeux!, Machine of Death, Magic Realms: The Sword of Kasza, Malevolence, Map, Mary Celeste, The, Masquerade, Masques du Carnaval, Les, Mazredugin, Midnight. Swordfight., Minami Taiheiyou Adventure, MoonBase Escape, Moquette, MPU, Mrs. Wobbles & the Tangerine House, Mummy, The, Murphy's Law, Mush, Music Education, Myopia, Myothian Falcon, The, Mysterious Realm, Mysterious Spaceship, The, Naughty Tales, Night House, Nirvana, Nix, Ogre, Old Lady, Ollie Ollie Oxen Free, One Last Thing, One Night Stand, Operation Extraction, Opium, Opposite Edge of Slumber, Our Boys in Uniform, Over Here!, Paciente 106, El, Paper Bag Princess, The, Paradox Corps, Pastoral Pitfalls, Path to Fortune, The, PC University, Pegasus, Pesach Adventure, The, Pierre de Vie, La, Pilgrimage, Pit of the Condemned, Playing Games, Podigan, Pogoman GO!, Portcullis, Prelude, Problems Compound, The, Professor Frank, Prohibition, Quest for the Black Pearl, Quest for the Golden Ferret, The, Quest for the Magic Healing Plant, Questor's Quest, Recorded, Reruns Again, Return of Felinar, The, Return to Camelot, Return to Castle Coris, Return to Karn, Rite of the Druid, Robin & Orchid, Royal Puzzle, The, Runcibal Quest, Sam and Leo Go To The Bodega, Sam Buick, Sample Adventure, Saving John, Search for Mithrillium, The, Search for Princess Alandria, The, Second Story, Secret of Easter Island, Secrets of the Gigantic, Sentencing Mr Liddell, Shades of Gray: An Adventure in Black and White, Shape Shifter Adventure, Ship of Whimsy, The, Shuffling Around, SIGMA Experiment,The, Signos, Slasher Swamp, So, You Want to be a Guru, Solarium, Son of Camelot, Sparkstone, The: Episode 1 of the Tales of Florb, Spiral, Spirit of Glennmore Castle, The, Star Stryker, StarCrystal, Episode 1 - Mertactor: The Volentine Gambit, Starship Solitaire, Stone of Wisdom, Stranded 2, Sub Rosa, Sueño, The, Sweet Sixteen, T-Zero, Tartarus Project, The, Tea Ceremony, Tempest, The, Temple of Bast, Tenth Plague, Test is Now READY, The, Tex Bonaventure and the Temple of the Water of Life, their angelical understanding, Threediopolis, Through Time, Thypt, Time Secret: The First Episode of the Planet Faras Crisis, Time: All Things Come to an End, Time's Enigma, TimeSquared, Chapter One: Centroplis, Toiletworld, TOMBs of Reschette, Torreoscura, Tower of Iron, The, Transit, Transparent, Treasure Hunt in the Amazon, Treasure Island, Treasures of HollowHill, Tresor de Zonguldek, Le, Tryst of Fate, Tyler's Great Cube Game, Tyrant, Ugly Oafs, Untitled Bowerbird Game, Untold Riches, Upon Westminster Bridge, Valkyrie, Valley of Treasures, Veritas, Vestiges, Voyager, Vulse, Wade Wars Book III, Week in the Life, A, Weekend Survival, Weird Wood, Weirds of Kesh, The, What Personal Computer?, What? No Alcohol-Free Mineral Water!, Who Among Us, Wind Blown From Paradise, A, Wizard's Apprentice, The, Xylophoniad, Zork, A Troll's Eye View
Here's a much overdue update, posted in the middle of a global crisis which makes anything I have to say at the moment fairly pointless. Possibly many of you have too many other concerns to care a great deal about adventure games right now, but hopefully for some text games will be the perfect way to spend time while a lot of us are forced to stay at home, anyway. I sincerely hope that everybody is safe at the moment. Please take good care of yourselves, whereever you are.
Due to other obligations I have had very little time for CASA as of late, so props to my fellow administrators for keeping things flowing. I've just noticed that we've crossed the 8,000 games threshold. Very impressive!
Contributors: Garry, Mousey, Carlos, Dethmunk, ahope1, Strident, boldir, popocop, Gunness, Exemptus, iamaran, Alex, Moitcho, jgerrie, Csabo, adventuron, farique, RetroBasic, Sylvester, Andre Leao, nimusi, Alastair, Paul Ingerson, Canalboy, webowl, Tinker, Dorothy, Duffadash, Jewwbat
- New Solutions: Blackpool Tower, BSE, Bubble Bobble - The Adventure, Buried Citadel, The, Cave of Magic, The, Curse of Rabenstein, The, Danger Island, Darkness of Raven Wood, The, Darkness of Raven Wood, The, Dawn Patrol, Delver, Dreamare, Dudley Dilemma, A, Eight Feet Under, Escape from Alpha Centuri, Escape From Pulsar 7, Fake Pratt, Gold, Little Mouse Adventure, Meeting Time, Moonstone of Arkra, Mutiny in the Mansion, Nachtmerrie, Nightmare, Puss in Boots, Saigon: The Final Days, Saigon: The Final Days, Saigon: The Final Days, Secret of Flagstone Manor, The, Silverton House, Starship Retreat, Tijdmachine, De, Time Balls, Transylvanian Adventure, Treasure Hunt, TWO, Voorbeeld-Adventure, Warlord
- New Puzzle charts: TWO
- New Maps: Adventure, Adventure, Adventure 1, Adventure 200, Adventure in Mythology, Atlantean Odyssey, Blackpool Tower, Burial Ground Adventure, Buried Citadel, The, Castle Colditz, Cave of Magic, The, Cromwell House, Curse of Rabenstein, The, Damsel in Distress, Danger Island, Dawn Patrol, Delver, Escape from Alpha Centuri, Eye of Bain, The, Faust's Folly, Fun Fair Adventure, Golden Apple, The, Graphic Mars, Graphic Pyramid, Gymnasium Adventure, India Palace, Invincible Island, Jack the Ripper, Jailbreak, Journey Through Time, Knight's Quest, The, Leopard Lord, Mad Martha, Mad Martha II, Magic Mountain, Meeting Time, Mines of Saturn, Misadventure, Moonstone of Arkra, Mutiny in the Mansion, Nachtmerrie, Puss in Boots, Return to Earth, Silverton House, Smuggler's Cove, Star Cruiser, Starship Retreat, Super Spy, Temple of Terror, Transylvanian Adventure, Treasure Hunt, Treasure Island, TWO, Underground Adventure, Velnor's Lair, Village of Lost Souls, Village of Lost Souls, Warlord, Warlord, Woods of Winter
- New Manuals: World of Odyssey
- New Hints: Jack the Ripper, Lost Island
- New Fixed games: Blackpool Tower, Buried Citadel, The, Castle of Fear, Cinderella, Danger Island, Journey of a Space Traveller, Puss in Boots, Question of Death, A, School of Death, The, Transylvanian Adventure
- New Clue sheets: Acheton
- Updated Maps: Blackpool Tower, Jack the Ripper, Juxtaposition - Barons of Ceti V, One Room
- Updated Solutions: Castle Elsinore, Moonstone of Arkra, Puss in Boots
- New Games: Adventures in Sherwood, Andkara, Athanor 2 - La Legende Des Hommes-Oiseaux, Athanor 2 - The Legend Of The Birdmen, Betty Carlson's Big Date, Beyond, BSE, Burn Notice, Castle Riche, Cod Wilcox II - Pagan Puppy, Conte di Montecristo, El, CosmoServe, Cruising the Strip, Danger Island, Dawn Patrol, Delver, Destination: Earth, Doukeshi Satsujin Jiken, Dragonslayer, Dream Land, Earthbound, Electrabot, Escape from Alcatraz, Escape from Alpha Centuri, Escape from the Planet of Doom, Fake Pratt, Fast Lane, Fish Fingers and the Time Crystals, Fleece Quest, Foresta, La, From the West, Game of Recovery, The, Ghost House, Golgo 13 Moretti Ikka Zansatsu Jiken, Grandad, Graphic Pyramid, Hős Lovag, A, Harry L'Hippy, Holy Sword, House of O's, The, Jack of Hartz, Kagiana Satsujin Jiken, Klaustrophobia, Left Behind, Library, Lost Gold, Lost Ship Adventure, Lost Stone Mansion, The, Magic Mansion, Majo Moheka no Yakata, Meeting Time, Merry Night Shift, Minstrel's Tale, Mirror Mirror, Mission's End, Mop and Murder, Murder at the Folkestone Inn, New England Gothic, Occhio del Diavolo, L', Oceana, Old House, The, Operazione Ladro, Orientation to Van Pelt Library, Perla, La, Plain and Ordinary Day at Toho Academy, A, Plutonium Terrorists, Proxima, Pyramid, The, Pyramids of Mars, The, Queen's Footsteps, The, Raffles the Gentleman Thief, Rainbow Adventure, Red Alert, Rescate 2019, Sárkányölő, Sanity Clause, Second Night, The, Sock City, Space Mule, Space Ranger, Spatent Obstruction, The, Staff of Law, The, Starship Retreat, Storms, Sunken Adventure, Tales of Tavisa, Tantalos, The Estate, The World's Hardest Adventure, Three Hours to Live, Two Ways, Voorbeeld-Adventure, W.S.L., Way, The, Wedding, The, When Alex Didn't Do It, Wizard's Castle, World of Odyssey